Do you know if it is safe for patients to eat...
Hi, I am a dietetic intern at the Albert Einstein Medical Center. I am in the process of developing a recipe booklet containing increased...
Which should I follow to eat right – high blood pressure,...
I have high blood pressure, diabetics, 1st signs of kidney disease, also have had RNY I am wondering which is the best one to...
My father has borderline diabetes. What kind of doctor should he...
My father has borderline diabetes for which he is taking pills. He also has high cholesterol and high triglycerides. He would like to know...
Is there a similar set up for a diabetic that’s on...
I am familiar with Weight Watchers and I like the way they have little boxes to check off. I know this sounds simplistic, but...
What’s the difference between a certified nutritionist and registered dietitian?
Recently, I've become interested in nutrition. I've been reading a lot of things about it. I ran up on 2 terms that I don't...
A friend has strange, painful mouth sores.
I have a friend that has suffered her whole life with strange, painful mouth sores. They are shallow, canker-like sores that appear weekly. They...
I began having pains in my abdomen and thought I was...
I am writing to you because I am at my wits end! Several weeks ago, I began having pains in my abdomen. At first,...
I would like to give my son’s daycare a complete list...
I have seen the doctor in regards to this, but there was no "real" advice given to help me help my son's daycare! That...
At holiday meals, I don’t want to feel left out. Yet...
It's getting close to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I've been on a diet to lose 20 pounds. So far, I've lost six pounds and I...
I have found nothing on Medline on calorie needs during multiple...
I am a dietitian working in a women's hospital. I noticed in one of your FQAs that you stated that you do not know...
I began taking a colloidal mineral supplement daily and am pregnant.
I recently began taking a colloidal mineral supplement daily. I heard the tape "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" by Dr. Joel Wallach. Now I find...
What would you suggest the protein intake for a pregnant woman?
Hello. Thank you for your informative website. One question. What would you suggest the protein intake for a pregnant woman? Thanks for your attention.
The only vegetables my kids will eat are corn and beans....
The only vegetables my kids will eat are corn and beans. I like most others, but I'm the only one in the family that...
I’m worried that I’m drinking too much coffee. How much is...
I'm worried that I'm drinking too much coffee. How much is too much? The current recommendations regarding caffeine are less than 15 ounces of...
I work shift work and my doctor told me to cut...
I work shift work and my doctor told me to cut down on coffee. I bring a thermos of coffee to work, so I...
The only time my HDL has been measured it was 43....
My total cholesterol has been measured a large number of times (as a benefit of being a regular blood donor). It varies from a...
Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders?
Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders?
The HIV / AIDS dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association...
I am undergoing Intron-A treatment for hepatitis C. The nurse in charge of the...
I am undergoing INTRON-A treatment for Hepatitis C. One of the possible side effects of the treatment is suppression of the bone marrow"s ability...
My twin girls are always sick. Are there foods to boost their immune systems?
I have twin girls who are 5 years old. Since they have started school it seems as if they are always kind of sick....
What foods can I eat when I have the flu?
What foods can I eat when I have the flu?
If your symptoms include fever and/or vomiting, contact your doctor. The...
What foods can I eat when I have a cold?
What foods can I eat when I have a cold?
Drink plenty of hot liquids. Water, tea, fruit juice, fruit drinks,...
I have a food allergy, overweight, kidney disease, and spine issues....
I've had help in the past from a dietitian before the thyroid doctor decided that she didn't need one anymore. However, in the interest...
Should a man who eats red meat and supplements with a...
Given an active male who eats a well-balanced diet, including red meat, green, leafy vegetables, and whole grains, and, who additionally supplements his diet...
I meant 50 grams a day seemed too much to me...
Thanks for the advice. Yes, I meant 50 grams a day and it seemed too much to me, especially since I was pregnant at...
Dietary supplements actually help people or not?
In your experience do dietary supplements actually help people, are there more positive effects than negative?
Dietary supplements include vitamin, mineral, herbal and amino acid...
How can we get my wrestler son down to weight in...
I am the 48-year-old father of an 18-year-old high school wrestler. My son's weight at the start of practice (Nov.) was 118 pounds. By...
Is sugar in the US Dietary Guidelines for added sugars or...
You have been so kind to take the time to answer my questions. Thank you so very much. Please permit me a couple of...
I don’t like vegetables and I’m not crazy about water while...
First of all, I would like to say thank you for such an informative site. I have read almost every question and answer currently...
I don’t want to be ill or anything, but the idea...
Thank you for responding so quickly and for your answers. I plan on seeing a doctor soon.
You prompted me, though, to ask questions about...