I’m a cancer patient with reoccurring of breast cancer.


I stumbled upon your web page looking for some answers for my daughter on her 4-year-old girl about ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), triglycerides and iron deficiencies. Your articles are very helpful and very detailed.

I’ve put you in my bookmarks to look up other things as I’m a cancer patient with many years of reoccurrence of breast cancer. I’m still hanging in there and have just recently had to retire because of my health. My quest at this time is to stay in remission and find out how to do that. Your suggestions on cancer are wonderful and I intend to follow your advice. Thank You so very much for all of your information.

Thanks a lot. It is good to hear from you. What spirit you have and with it, I also hope you achieve your quest.

Consider soy foods, especially soy milk and tofu. They contain phytoestrogens which seem to help some breast cancers. First, ask your doctor whether your cancer was estrogen driven tho as soy may be not recommended. You don’t need a lot per day; 4 ounces of soy milk or tofu seem to do the trick. Check out the vegetarian dietitian’s website.

Otherwise, a healthy eating plan using low-fat foods from the My Plate, less than 30% of your calories from fat, 30 minutes of daily exercise and a positive attitude should keep you on the right track.