What other than yellow and green vegetables contain anti-cancer compounds?
It is becoming widely known that yellow and green vegetables and cruciferous veggies contain a number of compounds (such as beta-carotene which helps protect...
Tell me about glucagon and how it relates to weight loss.
I was hoping you could tell me a little about glucagon and how or if it relates to weight loss. I heard in a...
Here are updated diabetic exchanges
Visitors note: Updated 2008 diabetic exchanges
The following answers are based on "Choose Your Foods: Exchange Lists for Diabetes" published in 2008 by the American...
I am a recovering bulimic and am in fear of how...
I was surfing the net trying to find all the info I could find on hypoglycemia.
I am a recovering bulimic. Both my parents are...
What is the difference between a dietitian, food technologist and nutritionist?
What is the difference between a dietitian, a food technologist and a nutritionist and who would be the best at devising diet plans?
A dietitian...
A woman who has no saliva glands says any food or...
Yesterday I received a call from a family member of a 71-year-old woman who has no saliva glands. Some years ago these were removed....
My wife is having problems with irritable bowel syndrome. Can you...
My wife is having problems with irritable bowel syndrome and has been tested for everything and nothing is helping. Could you recommend a diet,...
How do I make foods liquid for our son (18 years)...
Is there anyone at my hospital who you know who can help me find a way to make foods liquid enough for our son...
With the warm weather, do you have any good suggestions besides...
With the warm weather, my kids are constantly asking for something to drink. I start out giving them juice, but after a glass or...
My wife and I are expecting triplets, but concerned that she...
Hi. My wife Cyndee and I are expecting triplets! We're excited, but concerned that Cyndee can't seem to eat as much as is recommended...
My midwife informed me to avoid dairy products, sweets and fruits...
Recently my midwife, (I currently have a sinus infection and am 32 weeks pregnant), informed me to avoid dairy products, avoid sweets and fruits...
I began taking a colloidal mineral supplement daily and am pregnant.
I recently began taking a colloidal mineral supplement daily. I heard the tape "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" by Dr. Joel Wallach. Now I find...
Where can I find a dietitian who works with teenagers?
Where can I find a dietitian who works with teenagers?
The Pediatric Nutrition dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with...
How can brandy taste so sweet and not have any carbohydrates?
I have a question regarding brandy (liquor). How can brandy taste so sweet and not have any carbohydrates? Also, where do the calories come...
Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who...
Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have high blood pressure or have had a stroke?
The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition...
I’ve heard avocados are fatty.
I have an avocado tree. I've heard avocados are fatty, so limit myself to a half one per day. Recently I read they are...
What foods can I eat when I have the flu?
What foods can I eat when I have the flu?
If your symptoms include fever and/or vomiting, contact your doctor. The...
I am undergoing Intron-A treatment for hepatitis C. The nurse in charge of the...
I am undergoing INTRON-A treatment for Hepatitis C. One of the possible side effects of the treatment is suppression of the bone marrow"s ability...
My twin girls are always sick. Are there foods to boost their immune systems?
I have twin girls who are 5 years old. Since they have started school it seems as if they are always kind of sick....
Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders?
Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders?
The HIV / AIDS dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association...
What foods can I eat when I have a cold?
What foods can I eat when I have a cold?
Drink plenty of hot liquids. Water, tea, fruit juice, fruit drinks,...
I’m worried about food I eat causing health problems. Who can...
I'm worried about the food I eat causing health problems as I get older. Who can I talk to find out what my risk...
My doctor father wants me to take a high dose vitamin...
My father, a general practitioner doctor who (in my opinion) tends to overmedicate, wants me to take this high dose vitamin C supplement. If...
I would like to know what foods are lower in vitamin...
I would like to know what foods are lower in vitamin K that are pure vegetarian (no meat, dairy, eggs). I have a friend...
We would like to know the amount of calcium needed daily...
We are the Lebanese Osteoporosis Prevention Society (LOPS). Our concern among others is to provide awareness to our society about osteoporosis and how to...
Can you direct me to a nutrition / diet source I...
I am collecting articles for young basketball players to improve their game. One of the topics is nutrition/diet for athletes. Can you direct me...
What do you think about the Herbalife Slim and Trim weight...
What do you think about the Herbalife Slim and Trim weight control program? It claims to do a lot of things and I don't...
Research indicates that women 5 feet 5 inches should weight 119...
I heard on the news and have been watching my newsgroups about the latest and "greatest" research indicating that women 5 feet 5 inches...
I have a friend who never eats in school.
I need your advice. I have a friend who is stressed out a lot and she doesn't throw up. But when she is in...