Many parents of ADD / ADHD children will testify to the benefits of the Feingold program.

Many parents of ADD/ADHD children will testify to the benefits of this program. I encourage you to visit the Feingold Association website to find out more.

If you re-read the question in this topic, you will see that the person asking the question misspelled Dr. Feingold’s name. In my answer, the spelling is correct.

I am familiar with the Feingold diet. While there may be many testimonials from parents of ADD / ADHD children for whom the diet “worked”, there is no scientific evidence that sugar, artificial food colorings or sweeteners cause or increase behavior or learning problems in children as of 2005 with little research done on this diet since 1998.

Sorry, but I stand by my answer, which is based on nutrition science and research, not testimonials. Of the 47 human studies in English on the Feingold diet in the National Library of Medicine, none proved restricting any food additive or color, sugar or natural salicylates reduced symptoms of hyperactivity or attention deficit.