Does publicity influence people into buying junk food?


Hi, we are students from Mexico, and we’re making an investigation about junk food. We would be very glad if you could take a time to answer some questions for us, which are the following:

  1. Is junk food really junk (does it really affect or benefit human’s health?
  2. Which are the characteristics of junk food?
  3. How does publicity influence people into buying junk food?
  4. What amount of junk food would be necessary for a person’s daily diet, if it’s necessary?

Beforehand, we want to thank you for your cooperation and we are looking forward to receiving an answer from you as soon as possible. We would also be glad if you could give us your full name, so we can make our information source reliable. Thank you very much.

  1. Junk food affects human health in that concentrated sources of sugar or fat can increase weight if the calories are more than the person needs.
  2. Junk food means that there is little redeeming nutritional value (small amounts of vitamins or minerals) in the food or that it is high in sugar or high in fat.
  3. Yes, advertising (publicity) does influence people’s food purchases. But what kinds of foods are advertised? Watch your local television stations at the same time your friends are watching for 1 – 2 hours a day, for a week. What kinds of foods are advertised? Include the number of foods that are advertised in your report. How many high fat or high sugar foods were advertised? How many basic foods (milk, bread, fruit, vegetables, meat) were advertised during the same shows? In the US, it is usually high sugar or high-fat foods. Milk, fruit and some cereal commercials are aired, but not as often as junk foods. Is it the same in Mexico?
  4. Junk food is not a necessary component of a person’s diet so there is no minimum or maximum amount. What is necessary is milk, fruits, vegetables, bread, and meat.