Does NutraSweet stimulate my food wants?

I am an insulin dependent diabetic on 40 units of Lente per day. This last year, I have been using NutraSweet (Equal) for a...

I have hypoglycemia. Should I eat the way my body reacts...

I have recently been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. I have been put on the proverbial high protein / low carbohydrate diet. In doing some research...

Can a person with diabetes drink alcohol?

We are updating our information on diet and have the following information on our web page. We would very much appreciate your reviewing this...

I need to improve my digestive health

I need to improve my digestive health. I eat enough fiber, drink water and eat low fat, but I still suffer from bloating and...

Which foods contain antihistamine?

Hello, I am wondering which foods, if any, contain an antihistamine. I am allergic to ragweed pollen. Sniff!! Sniff!! The foods we consume do not...

What is the percent of fat content in whole milk as...

May I know the % of fat content in whole milk as compared to 2%? Thanks. Whole milk is 3.5% (approximately as it depends on...

I have morning sickness and am two months pregnant. What do...

I have morning sickness and am only about two months pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and I don't know what to eat to...

I’m pregnant with my second child and gained 70 pounds which...

Hi, I hope you can answer my question. I'm 180 pounds 5 feet 2 inches and just found out I'm pregnant with my second...

I have found nothing on Medline on calorie needs during multiple...

I am a dietitian working in a women's hospital. I noticed in one of your FQAs that you stated that you do not know...

Is caffeine banned by the Olympic Committee? If so how much?

You mentioned that caffeine was banned by the Olympic Committee. This is only on the order of a dose of several (I believe it...

If I eat two peanut butter sandwiches a week, would that...

Thank you very much for your kind and informative reply and it was quite fast too. Now encouraged by this, I have a couple...

What makes my triglyceride blood level high?

I recently had a cholesterol blood test performed and I wanted to ask a few questions. First of all, my results: Total cholesterol 187...

What foods can I eat when I have the flu?

What foods can I eat when I have the flu? FLU, FEVER, VOMITING, DIARRHEA: If your symptoms include fever and/or vomiting, contact your doctor. The...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders? The HIV / AIDS dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association...

My twin girls are always sick. Are there foods to boost their immune systems?

I have twin girls who are 5 years old. Since they have started school it seems as if they are always kind of sick....

What foods can I eat when I have a cold?

What foods can I eat when I have a cold? COLDS, UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS: Drink plenty of hot liquids. Water, tea, fruit juice, fruit drinks,...

I am undergoing Intron-A treatment for hepatitis C. The nurse in charge of the...

I am undergoing INTRON-A treatment for Hepatitis C. One of the possible side effects of the treatment is suppression of the bone marrow"s ability...

What type of calcium pills should a woman be taking?

What type of calcium pills should a woman be taking? You know how a lot of women are taking calcium pills? The best-absorbed form of...

How about daily 400 IU of vitamin E for hair loss?

How about daily 400 IU of vitamin E for hair loss? The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) of vitamin E is 10 milligrams for the adult...

My mother is on a blood thinning medicine called “Coumadin”. Is...

Thank you for having a site where questions may be answered. My mother is on a blood-thinning medicine called "Coumadin". She had heard there...

I lost weight, but as soon as the diet was over...

Thank you so much for writing me back! That is very nice of you. I really could use a healthy lifestyles counselor, but first of...

Why does metabolism slow down as we age?

Why does metabolism slow down as we age? After growth has stopped at the end of adolescence, we produce less growth hormone which supported a...

How much sugar is in a sucker?

How much sugar is in a sucker? The size of suckers vary, but in a clear, hard candy sucker, there should be about 1 to...