I’m worried that I’m drinking too much coffee. How much is too much?

I'm worried that I'm drinking too much coffee. How much is too much? The current recommendations regarding caffeine are less than 15 ounces of coffee or less than 30 ounces of tea per day. In 2002 (latest results available), the average man drank the equivalent of 10 ounces of coffee or 22 ounces of...

If I was pregnant, would this cause me to retain water and cause my hands to swell?

I am not pregnant. I don't set amount of time to do exercise. But I walk stairs and up walk up steep hills and play with my mom's babysitting kids. I also am on my feet at all times while I am at work which is pretty often. One thing I don't do is drink a...

When you covered triglycerides, you glossed over their functions in transporting fats to the liver.

When you covered the topic of triglycerides in the blood, you seem to have glossed over their functions in transporting fats to the liver and excretory organs. Also left uncovered was the structure, synthesis, and differences from lipoproteins, all of which might help your readers understand how to read a CBC or triglyceride/lipoprotein panel...

Are eggs really bad for you because they’re high in cholesterol?

Are eggs really bad for you because they're high in cholesterol? I wanted to try that egg diet but was afraid of how many eggs it tells you to eat. Eggs are not bad for you, but egg yolks are high in cholesterol. The latest nutritional analysis by the USDA shows that a large egg...

How much cholesterol is okay to consume on a daily basis?

I just did the Healthy Body Calculator and I had just one question. It stated that I should have as low as possible cholesterol intake daily, but the problem is I have a cholesterol count of 237 (175 of which is the bad cholesterol). Given that, how much cholesterol is okay to consume on...

I have recently been diagnosed with CHF (congestive heart failure).

I am a 56-year-old woman who has recently been diagnosed with CHF (Congestive Heart Failure). Part of my treatment is a diet low in salt and fat. When one says "low is salt" how much is permitted in a daily diet? I asked my physician this and he said just not to "add" any salt...

What makes my triglyceride blood level high?

I recently had a cholesterol blood test performed and I wanted to ask a few questions. First of all, my results: Total cholesterol 187 milligrams per deciliter Triglycerides 360 milligrams per deciliter HDL cholesterol 29 milligrams per deciliter LDL cholesterol 86 milligrams per deciliter I understand that my total cholesterol below 200 is okay, HDL...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have high triglycerides?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have high triglycerides? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the American Dietetic Association provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. They can take your food history and make recommendations to lower your triglycerides. Dietitians often have their own private...

My big problem is cola. I am totally addicted and get headaches when I try to avoid it.

Just did the Healthy Body Calculator®. Didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. My question is I'm overweight, I don't eat too much. I try to buy everything lite. My big problem is cola. I am totally addicted and get headaches when I try to avoid it. I've been told to try diet...

My doctor feels that my triglyceride level calls for a Type 4 lipoprotein diet.

I am a type 2 diabetic and recovering from a stroke. My doctor feels that my triglyceride level calls for a TYPE 4 hyperlipoprotein diet. Can you provide this or direct me to an online source, as I have difficulty getting to a library? Keep up the good work! I haven't heard a nutrition therapy...