I’m pregnant and my doctor prescribed iron supplements for me. What foods are high in iron so I don’t become anemic?

I'm pregnant and my doctor prescribed iron supplements for me. They constipate me so I quit taking the pills. What foods are high in iron so I can make sure I don't become anemic? First, discuss your problem with your doctor. He/she is the most appropriate person to suggest other supplements. The increased iron requirements of...

I’m pregnant with my second child and gained 70 pounds which caused high blood pressure.

Hi, I hope you can answer my question. I'm 180 pounds 5 feet 2 inches and just found out I'm pregnant with my second child. During my first pregnancy, I gained 70 pounds and reached 230 pounds which caused me to have hypertension and deliver my baby 5 weeks early. I'm scared of these...

I am pregnant and was told I am low in iron. I cannot take iron pills due to constipation / cramping.

Hi, great page, thanks for the info, especially on iron! I am currently pregnant and was told that I am low in iron 11.9-12.2 and absolutely cannot take iron pills for fierce constipation/cramping (also my levels never increase anyway). The only thing that works for me is red meat and liver. However, my family...

My midwife informed me to avoid dairy products, sweets and fruits to lessen the congestion in my sinuses.

Recently my midwife, (I currently have a sinus infection and am 32 weeks pregnant), informed me to avoid dairy products, avoid sweets and fruits to lessen the congestion in my sinuses. I question her advice "avoid fruits" - she indicated that fruits (I'm assuming it's the sugars in fruits) increase more mucous. Is this...

I am 23 weeks pregnant and would really like to know how many calories are?

I'm wondering if you can answer my question in regard to calories and pregnancy. I am 23 weeks pregnant and would really like to know how many calories are adequate for someone in my situation. I exercise every day. I do weight work for 20 to 30 minutes and also cardiovascular (treadmill and bike) for...

I had a daughter 3 yeas ago, gained about 60 pounds, and just can’t lose the last 20.

I had a daughter 3 years ago. I gained about 60 pounds while pregnant. I dropped 40 of those pounds, but I just can't seem to lose the last 20. Before her, I weighed 125 pounds. I now weigh around 143 pounds. I have kept this weight pretty constant over that 3 year period...

I am pregnant and can you give me info on my weight gain?

I just found out that I am pregnant and I went on your Healthy Body Calculator and it said I was overweight. I'm 5 feet 2 inches", 128 pounds, very active and I look good. I'm a size 6 and I am really worried that it said that I should gain to 158-168 pounds...

What would you suggest the protein intake for a pregnant woman?

Hello. Thank you for your informative website. One question. What would you suggest the protein intake for a pregnant woman? Thanks for your attention. Check it out yourself on the Healthy Body Calculator! Put in your age, gender, height, weight and check "pregnant". Your Nutrition Facts will include the extra nutrients you need during pregnancy...

My daughter is 7 months pregnant and the corners of her mouth are so cracked. I’m concerned that she has a vitamin deficiency. Any advice that will help her?

My daughter is 7 months pregnant and the corners of her mouth are so cracked that the skin is growing back crooked. I'm concerned that she has a vitamin deficiency, although she takes vitamins. Any advice or a cream that will help her? Thank you. Does she drink milk? If not, she could have...

I have found nothing on Medline on calorie needs during multiple babies during pregnancy.

I am a dietitian working in a women's hospital. I noticed in one of your FQAs that you stated that you do not know how many calories are needed with twins. I too have found nothing via Medline on calorie needs during multiple babies (twins, triplets, etc) during pregnancy. We have based our recommendations...