Can stress cause a person to gain weight?

Can stress cause a person to gain weight? I have maintained a 50-pound weight loss for 20 years, but it's a continual battle. I have hypoglycemia--am a vegetarian (for 26 years) and exercise regularly. I am 43 years old, recently changed job to one that is very stressful. I eat about 750 to 1000...

Have you heard of using cartilage or gelatin based on cartilage to give your body the raw materials it needs to repair the joints with arthritis?

I am a senior in high school and a distributor for a health company. I like the idea of a Healthy Body Calculator, but it is something that is based on an average. I am not average. I weigh 117 and am 5 foot, 4 inches, I work out like a horse and benching...

How long you could store catsup and can it be frozen?

I was referred to your site by an NFSD Coordinator. I was wondering about how long you could store catsup and if it could be frozen. She did not have a definitive answer for me but thought that catsup could be stored for at least six months in the refrigerator. She also said that...

Do I need to compliment milk and egg to make a complete protein?

I've read the Q and A on milk, eggs, and protein and still have a question. First is milk protein a complete protein? Do I need to compliment milk protein and egg whites to make a complete protein? Is the powdered egg white considered "raw" and therefore a problem with biotin? I can't seem to find my...

My daughter who is 14 is an ovo-lacto vegetarian and developed cracks in the corners of her mouth.

My daughter who is 14, is an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I support this and between the two of us, we try to make sure she receives the nutrients she needs. She has been eating this way for about 4 months. Recently she has developed cracks in the corners of her mouth. My older daughter had the...

My friend developed brittle, cracking nails. What vitamin is she lacking?

I have a friend who has developed brittle, cracking nails. Could you tell me what vitamin she could be lacking? Thanks in advance. Nails are made of protein so unless she is lacking protein in the foods she eats, she is probably not lacking any vitamin. Nails suffer from the physical trauma we put them...

Where can I find a dietitian who could go through my kitchen cabinets and help me change my bad eating habits?

Where can I find a dietitian who could go through my kitchen cabinets and help me change my bad eating habits? Click on the "Find a registered dietitian" link at the Find a registered dietitian on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on any page. Include your zip code or city/state, the type of service...

How do I stop craving sweets? When I smell chocolate, my mouth waters?

How do I stop craving sweets when I smell them like chocolate and my mouth waters? Here are some suggestions: Have a healthy eating plan. This helps guide what you are going to eat and plan to eat 3 meals or at least every 4 hours. Anticipate hunger by eating regularly. Make eating purposeful. Eat...

I recently became a vegetarian and am concerned I’m not eating enough protein.

I recently became a vegetarian and am concerned that I'm not eating enough protein. Do you know of any way I could find out how much protein my diet supplies me with? The protein content of your diet depends on whether you are a vegan (no animal products) or a lacto - ovo (milk and...

Is any particular form of soy more beneficial than others?

Thank you for your wonderful column! I am a vegetarian and use soy products as my main source of protein. I have read about the nutrient value of soy and the benefits of isoflavones. I have never seen anything written about the effect cooking has on the nutrients in soy products. I use soy flour,...