How do you get rid of cellulite, that dimply fat?

I need to get in shape for summer. The only place I need to trim down is my buttocks and thighs. How do you get rid of cellulite? Or whatever that dimply fat is? First of all, there is no such thing as cellulite. It was a word coined by people who advertise they could...

Is it true that cooking fries in vegetable oil results in a healthy, cholesterol-free meal?

Hi, this question is about fast food vendors' claims: Is it true that cooking fries in vegetable oil results in a "healthy, cholesterol-free" meal? Deep fat frying potatoes in vegetable oil would be cholesterol free. Cholesterol is only found in animal products. (Tip to help remember this is everything that contains cholesterol has a mother!)...

Does what I eat satisfies the RDA? I don’t know how to accurately calculate it.

I look at Nutrition Facts on food labels as often as I can to see what nutrients I am getting from what I eat, but they give such limited information. It's so hard to tell if I am actually getting the Recommended Dietary Allowances throughout the day. I want to know if what I...

I became a vegetarian after my doctor told me I had high blood cholesterol.

I decided to become a vegetarian after my doctor told me I had a high blood cholesterol. All I'm eating is vegetables, grains, and fruits. How long will it take my cholesterol to go down from 290? My doctor tells me it has to get below 200. Congratulations, you are doing something to lower your...

I started using dryer fabric sheets when I developed a rash on my face and neck.

I have a possible answer to a query posed to you on your website (below as a reminder). The symptoms the gentleman described sound exactly like those I experienced 20 years ago as a young, single soldier living in the barracks. Since I had to do my own laundry, I was very aware of...

Are cereals with 100% of the RDA better than cereals with only 25% of the RDA?

Some cold cereals have 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of nutrients. Are they better than cereals with only 25% of the RDA? Cold cereals that have 100% of the Daily Value usually contain two vitamins and two minerals. Vitamins A and C, calcium and iron are the nutrients listed in the nutrition information on...

What is the difference between icing sugar and confection sugar?

I was looking to find the difference between icing sugar and confection sugar as a member of my family cannot use icing sugar in cooking. Thank you for your time and help. Confectioner's sugar as it is called in the US is called icing sugar in Britain and sucre glace in France. As such they...

What happens if the Styrofoam container in which I’m heating my food has melted a bit?

What happens if the Styrofoam container, within which I'm heating my food, has melted a bit? I was microwaving some soup and when it came out, a ring of "melted" Styrofoam, where the grease/oil was floating, appeared. I had a bit of the soup and then got scared. Should I be? Thanks for your...

Weight loss groups recommend eight glasses of 8 ounces of water a day. If 8 were good would 16 be even better?

Thanks for the Answer to the question about the number of calories per day. You said 12 X Goal, that really helps me a lot. I have another question. I have heard how important it is to drink water. In most weight loss groups I have seen, they recommend at least eight glasses of 8-ounce...

Is there a meal supplement containing all of the vitamins, calories, fiber, and minerals that one’s mind and body would need?

I am currently researching meal supplements. I am attempting to locate information regarding current studies on a total meal supplement. Not that I am an advocate to meal supplements, I am concerned with the world's population increase and the continuous degradation of soils used for supplying our foods. Are you aware of any research...