How would I determine the fat content of cheese with 7% milk fat?

I wondered if you could answer a question that I have in regards to skim milk cheddar cheese. I recently purchased a block of skim milk cheese rated at 7% milk fat. How would I determine the fat content of a serving of this cheese, as it had no nutritional label? Thanks for any...

Why don’t oats have the effect on humans as they do on horses?

Why don't oats have the effect on humans as they do on horses? Horses fed oats develop thick, shiny hair and become energetic. Neigh, that just isn't true for people. A horse's gastrointestinal systems are different from humans. Horses are able to eat a diet of all incomplete proteins. Human hair is composed of keratin, which...

Our soils are depleted, very few people get what they need from food alone and the RDA’s for many nutrients are too low.

Much of what you are telling the public sounds like hogwash to me. You have passed on much dated, inaccurate information. Our soils are depleted, very few people get what they need from food alone and the RDA's for many nutrients are indeed too low. Also, credentials in nutrition are no guarantee of...

I started using dryer fabric sheets when I developed a rash on my face and neck.

I have a possible answer to a query posed to you on your website (below as a reminder). The symptoms the gentleman described sound exactly like those I experienced 20 years ago as a young, single soldier living in the barracks. Since I had to do my own laundry, I was very aware of...

I’m a 14-year-old teenager and I have been struggling to lose weight. Do you have any tips for me?

I'm a 14-year-old teenager and I have been struggling to lose weight for quite some time now. I walk twice a day for 30 minutes each time and I do 30 sit-ups each week. I eat very well but on weekends I sort of let go of my good eating pattern and eat junk...

When I eat asparagus, I find my urine has an odor.

When I eat asparagus, I find that my urine has a peculiar odor. Why is that? I understand this vegetable has cleansing abilities, if so, how does it do it and what is it exactly cleansing or detoxifying? What's asparagus noted for nutritionally? Thanks! Please let me know. Some people, notice a strong odor after eating...

Does the US Dietary Guidelines call for less than 10% of calories from sugar mean sucrose, naturally occurring sugars or all sugars?

Does the US Dietary Guidelines in calling for no more than 10% of calories from sugar mean a) added sucrose, b) sucrose, added or naturally occurring, or c) all simple sugars (fructose, glucose, lactose, sucrose, etc.)? Do you also know whether sugars on the food label refers to added sucrose or to sucrose (whether or...

I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water plus a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty.

I am constantly thirsty. I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water, a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty. Water gets to be very boring and I know soda is really bad for me. What cold drinks are out there that do not contain sugar? I can't have citrus juices...

To what food group do mushrooms belong?

What food group do mushrooms belong to? Please reply. Thanks in advance. Vegetables in the food guide My Plate and diabetic exchanges.

My friend developed brittle, cracking nails. What vitamin is she lacking?

I have a friend who has developed brittle, cracking nails. Could you tell me what vitamin she could be lacking? Thanks in advance. Nails are made of protein so unless she is lacking protein in the foods she eats, she is probably not lacking any vitamin. Nails suffer from the physical trauma we put them...