A friend gave us a diet from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital for overweight heart patients to lose weight.

A friend gave my husband a copy of a diet from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital (location??) that is supposedly used in their cardiac care unit for overweight heart patients to lose weight prior to having surgery. It's a 7-day fat-burning diet consisting of vegetable soup, fruit, vegetables, skimmed milk, lean beef or skinless chicken...

I feel your suggestion of consulting a dietitian for sound advice is not the only recourse.

Your comments on weight loss give much advice. I feel your suggestion, however, of consulting a dietitian for sound advice, is not the only recourse. There are many articles by nutritionists to rely on. The Herbal Life Plan is one such alternative and people may tend to shy away from even looking at any of...

What is the nutritional value or risk of fasting?

What is the nutritional value or risk associated with fasting? Is it OK to go without solid food for a day? I do this about once a week. I do take a lot of water and some fruit juice. There is no nutritional value to fasting and the risk is dependent on many factors, not the...

Are supplement drinks and protein shakes good for diabetics?

I am curious as to whether Zeal Supplement drinks and protein shakes are good for diabetics? Why or why not? What is the healthiest diet for a type one diabetic? is a keto diet OK for a Type one diabetic? Thank you in advance for your knowledge. I looked at the nutrition analysis of Zeal on their...

I was looking for an article on carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism prevention.

I was looking for an article on carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism prevention. I could not find it anywhere. Do you know anything about these inhibitors? How healthy or safe are they? I am not aware of any pills currently available that really do block metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, or fat. I would not recommend...

Do you know about the cabbage soup diet?

What do you know about the Cabbage Soup Diet? Do you have a copy? I would like to try it for 7 days. No, I don't, but I did see it in one of the newsgroups. Sounds like the latest fad diet though. Kind of reminds me of the Beverly Hills fruit diet - the...

What do you think about the Herbalife Slim and Trim weight control program?

What do you think about the Herbalife Slim and Trim weight control program? It claims to do a lot of things and I don't believe most of what they say. But how is someone who isn't a nutritionist? to know? I've sent you a copy to see what you think. Your gut instinct to not...

I have been looking for ideas on how to lose 20 pounds in 4 months.

I have been looking all over the web for ideas on how to lose 20 pounds in 4 months. Ok, more would be good, but let's start off with that number. I have come across Atkins Diets, Cabbage Diets, 7-4-3-1 day diets and what the heck is this Zone thing? They all seem really...

Did not find any mention of the Calorad product by Essentially Yours Industries.

I looked through your Q&As and did not find any mention of the Calorad product by Essentially Yours Industries. I have a brochure which states that it has "purified water, collagen hydrolysate, aloe vera, glycerin, potassium sorbate, methylparaben as a preservative, natural flavor." It states "1 tablespoonful of Calorad at bedtime following a 3-hour...

What do you think about Instant Breakfast? Will it help me lose weight?

What do you think about Instant Breakfast? Will it help my weight loss? PS I don't like breakfast. No, just drinking Instant Breakfast will not assure you of losing weight. Your weight loss depends on a day's total calories in the food you eat and total calories you expend through physical activities.  Think of your...