A physician assistant at a hospital is advocating a protein sparing modified fast diet.

There's a physician assistant at a hospital near me that is advocating a "protein sparing modified fast" type of diet that includes lots of lean meats and is not more than 800 calories/day. I have always read this to be a very unhealthy way to eat, but he insists it works and says he...

I’ve read some convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they work and can I eat all the starch I want?

I've read some pretty convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they really work and can I really eat all the starch I want? No. I had thought we had heard the last of the starch blocker issue when the FDA banned them. Starch blockers do not prevent you from absorbing starch and do not live...

How healthy is it to fast?

I was wondering how healthy it is to fast. I recently read an article in a magazine and have become interested in trying it. Would it be safe for a female teenager to try it? For how long? What kind of fast would be most beneficial? Any information would be greatly appreciated. An adolescent female is still...