Does grapefruit, orange juice, or apple cider burn off fat?

Does grapefruit, orange juice or apple cider burn off fat? No, Grapefruit, orange juice, and apple cider do not burn off fat whether they are eaten alone, in between meals, or with a meal. Citrus juices are slightly acidic in nature but are much less acidic than the hydrochloric acid secreted by your stomach (pH of...

A physician assistant at a hospital is advocating a protein sparing modified fast diet.

There's a physician assistant at a hospital near me that is advocating a "protein sparing modified fast" type of diet that includes lots of lean meats and is not more than 800 calories/day. I have always read this to be a very unhealthy way to eat, but he insists it works and says he...

What do you think about the Herbalife Slim and Trim weight control program?

What do you think about the Herbalife Slim and Trim weight control program? It claims to do a lot of things and I don't believe most of what they say. But how is someone who isn't a nutritionist? to know? I've sent you a copy to see what you think. Your gut instinct to not...

I found your website by looking up that cabbage soup diet to fit into this wedding dress.

Ironically enough, I found your website by looking up that silly Cabbage Soup Diet. After reading what many doctors and health workers had to say about it, I've found that there is no such thing as a "Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital" (the hospital that supposedly prescribes this hideous starvation-torture diet) and furthermore, there never...

I started to take MetRx which contains aspartame.

For the past two weeks, I have started to take MetRx. A couple of my friends have brought up the fact that it contains aspartame which supposedly kills brain cells and has not been approved by the FDA. I take this mix twice a day and the difference I have noticed is that I...

I needed to lose weight because I was eating very badly.

First, thank you for the most helpful website I have found on the Internet. In a nutshell, I needed to lose weight because, to put it bluntly, I was eating very badly. Daily trips to MickyD's. I hurt my feet in Tae Kwon Do and was letting them heal (I should have warmed up). I...

Did not find any mention of the Calorad product by Essentially Yours Industries.

I looked through your Q&As and did not find any mention of the Calorad product by Essentially Yours Industries. I have a brochure which states that it has "purified water, collagen hydrolysate, aloe vera, glycerin, potassium sorbate, methylparaben as a preservative, natural flavor." It states "1 tablespoonful of Calorad at bedtime following a 3-hour...

I got to your website from Prime Quest which is a diet using adaptogens.

I found your webpage useful, I got there from a website about Prime Quest, which is a diet using adaptogens. It seems expensive to me and I was wondering if you have read any information on it. There are so many claims as to increased energy and losing body fat only, yet it is...

Are fat burners a waste of money?

Your site is very informative and helpful. Are fat burners a waste of money? Thanks for your reply. Yes. Save your money to buy healthy foods using My Plate as a basis and start a daily exercise program. You don't need to buy any special foods, supplements, or liquid diets to lose weight.  Otherwise when you...

What health benefits and risks can you associate with fasting?

Recently, I have been curious about the practice of fasting. Not for religious or cultural reasons, just curiosity. Some of my friends who have done this have described various sensations of euphoria or "inner calm" associated with fasting. What health benefits and risks can you associate with fasting? I imagine that dehydration is the biggest...