What is your opinion on vegan, dairy-free and 5:2 diets?

I'm a year 9 student from St Patrick's College in Tasmania, Australia. I am researching diets for one of my classes as my final assignment. I would like your opinion on the following diets, vegan, dairy-free and the 5:2 diet. I would like to know how effective and sustainable you think they are, whether...

Can you explain ketosis to me?

Can you explain ketosis to me? When people eat fewer than 900 calories, any food eaten including protein and fat is broken down into glucose to provide fuel for the body. Protein and fat are very expensive fuels. You can only convert 70% of the protein and 30% of the fat to glucose. The nitrogen...

I found your website by looking up that cabbage soup diet to fit into this wedding dress.

Ironically enough, I found your website by looking up that silly Cabbage Soup Diet. After reading what many doctors and health workers had to say about it, I've found that there is no such thing as a "Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital" (the hospital that supposedly prescribes this hideous starvation-torture diet) and furthermore, there never...

A physician assistant at a hospital is advocating a protein sparing modified fast diet.

There's a physician assistant at a hospital near me that is advocating a "protein sparing modified fast" type of diet that includes lots of lean meats and is not more than 800 calories/day. I have always read this to be a very unhealthy way to eat, but he insists it works and says he...

I am wondering if you have a diet for cleansing?

I was wondering if you have diet plans for a cleansing diet. I am looking for one that lasts no more than a week or a few days. I am aware of the health risks concerning a long-term diet plan but am looking for a short-term plan. Thanks for your help. Cleanse diets have become...

I would like to find more about week long liquid or fruit diets.

On the Jewish day of atonement and my friends and I endured the annual 24 hours fast with ease. One of the topics of our conversation was fasting for health and cleansing purposes. I would like to find more information about week-long liquid diets and/or fruit diets that would be safe to practice while...

Out of all the fad diets, which is the most effective and healthiest?

Out of all of the fad diets that have surfaced in the past couple of years, in your opinion which one is the most effective and healthiest for your mind and body? Any weight loss diet that has fewer calories than a person has been eating will result in weight loss.  In addition, adding exercise...

I have been looking for ideas on how to lose 20 pounds in 4 months.

I have been looking all over the web for ideas on how to lose 20 pounds in 4 months. Ok, more would be good, but let's start off with that number. I have come across Atkins Diets, Cabbage Diets, 7-4-3-1 day diets and what the heck is this Zone thing? They all seem really...

My mother is 60 years old with heart blockage and on a quick weight loss diet. Is that diet safe?

My mother is 60 years old and is on a quick weight loss diet. She has a heart blockage and is being treated for it. Is that diet safe? She said it would be safe because it was written by a doctor. Most quick weight loss diets allow all the lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs,...

I did my masters thesis on the relationship between fasting and aging.

I was browsing your interesting and useful (and generally, in my opinion, well balanced and informative) website on nutritional Q&A, but I was troubled by one item that you may have missed the target on: In the Q&A item where the questioner asked about the possible benefits of fasting, you said, basically, that there are no...