I have been working out for years, but only recently examined my food intake relative to exercise.
My two goals seem more and more conflicting. I have been working out for years, but only within the last 6 months have I seriously examined my food intake in relation to my exercise goals. I do 1 hour of aerobics each morning and lift for about 1 hour each night. On weekends I...
Should I eat less food at dinner?
I run 4 times a week for 2 miles per day and train at a tennis academy. In the morning I eat oatmeal with skim milk, a banana, and a piece of toast. For lunch, I usually eat some low-fat yogurt with water and a power bar. For dinner, I eat vegetables, rice, and...
Why do I feel hungry when I’m exercising, but when I go home, I’m not hungry?
Why do I feel hungry when I'm exercising, but when I go home, I'm not hungry anymore?
Moderate exercise by itself does not increase your appetite unless you have exercised too hard where you don't have enough oxygen to carry on a conversation or are on a quick weight loss diet which has depleted your...
What foods should we eat before and after exercising?
We were wondering what foods we should eat before and after exercising?
A variety of the 6 food groups from the My Plate would be OK to eat 2 to 4 hours before exercising. High fat or high sugar foods would not be recommended nor would a large meal be a good idea. A mixed...
During my workout, I get light headed and yawn a lot.
I workout a lot. From time to time during my workout, I get very light headed and notice I yawn a lot. What do you think?
I feel I have a good diet. I don't eat fast food, fried food, or much junk food. I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't drink milk. I don't eat...
If I am eating healthy and working out, why am I not losing weight?
If a person is eating healthy and working out... what is the reason that they might not be losing weight?
Your weight is determined by the calories in the food you eat minus the calories your body expends keeping itself running plus activities and exercise. In order to lose 1 pound per week, you must...
What foods would you recommend to eat following a strenuous workout?
What foods would you recommend to eat following a strenuous workout to aid the body in recovery?
Mostly water as it helps replace fluid lost in sweat. While working out, you should be drinking 1 cup every hour unless you are sweating in a hot environment. Then you need to drink more and may need...
I filled out your calculator and with the nutritional results it provided, how do I split them up?
I went and filled out the Healthy Body Calculator® that you created. The information it provided was very helpful, but I do have another question.
Given the nutritional results it provided for me, how do I split them up throughout the day? Do I measure what I should have for each meal that will provide...
I swim in the pool, but it is very small and I am not getting the same workout as in a large pool.
I frequently swim in the pool in my apartment complex, but the pool is very small and I don't feel like I am getting the same work out that I do in a large pool. The size coupled with the fact that the water is not heated makes it less appealing to jump in...
I started working out and would like to know what I can do to maximize gaining weight?
I am 22 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall and weigh only 125 pounds. I recently started working out and would like to know what I can do to my diet to maximize my efforts in gaining weight. My body fat is about 9% and I would like to maintain this level.
Your normal...