I have always been skinny. How do I put on weight to get to the average weight?

I am writing to you because I am ready to begin the weight gain process. I am a 19-year-old male. I am 6 feet 3 inches and weigh 128 pounds. I have always been skinny and so have a lot of the men in my family. I have always been told that because of...

I started working out and would like to know what I can do to maximize gaining weight?

I am 22 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall and weigh only 125 pounds. I recently started working out and would like to know what I can do to my diet to maximize my efforts in gaining weight. My body fat is about 9% and I would like to maintain this level. Your normal...

If I am eating healthy and working out, why am I not losing weight?

If a person is eating healthy and working out... what is the reason that they might not be losing weight? Your weight is determined by the calories in the food you eat minus the calories your body expends keeping itself running plus activities and exercise. In order to lose 1 pound per week, you must...

We are putting together a resource for individuals who are vegetarian and are physically active/athletic.

My partner and I are nutrition students from the University of Saskatchewan and are trying to put together a resource for individuals who are vegetarian (various types, including vegan) and are physically active/athletic. We want to offer information that will help physically active vegetarians maintain and optimize health and performance through meeting their nutritional...

During my workout, I get light headed and yawn a lot.

I workout a lot. From time to time during my workout, I get very light headed and notice I yawn a lot. What do you think? I feel I have a good diet. I don't eat fast food, fried food, or much junk food. I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't drink milk. I don't eat...

Where can I find a dietitian who works in health clubs or fitness in my area?

I am looking for a dietitian who works in health clubs or fitness. Where can I find one in my area? If you are looking for a dietitian with expertise in exercise go to Find a Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutritionist (SCAN) and click on your state on the map of the U.S. You can...

Is there a dietary program with exercise that will help me lose weight and tone my body?

I am aware that you have no idea who I am, but this morning I was on the Women's Sport & Fitness page and I got your link. I have many questions that hopefully you can give me some answers. I completed the Healthy Body Calculator® and it provided me with information regarding what my...

What foods should we eat before and after exercising?

We were wondering what foods we should eat before and after exercising? A variety of the 6 food groups from the My Plate would be OK to eat 2 to 4 hours before exercising. High fat or high sugar foods would not be recommended nor would a large meal be a good idea. A mixed...

I exercise often and try to eat a healthy diet, but am I consuming enough nutrients?

I exercise often and am therefore concerned about taking an appropriate amount of calories, which I know in turn supplies me with more nutrients. I try to eat a healthy diet, but I'm just not sure if I am consuming enough nutrients. Is there any way that I can determine how many nutrients I...

I have been working out for years, but only recently examined my food intake relative to exercise.

My two goals seem more and more conflicting. I have been working out for years, but only within the last 6 months have I seriously examined my food intake in relation to my exercise goals. I do 1 hour of aerobics each morning and lift for about 1 hour each night. On weekends I...