My girlfriend is bulimic and do not know how to approach this problem.
Hi. My beloved girlfriend is bulimic. Although I am studying to be a clinical psychologist, I am unable to assist her with her problem. I do not know how to approach this problem and things are getting worse all the time. She can barely eat now and she is already showing signs of kidney...
I have a female friend who weighs between 100 to 105 pounds
Here is my question: I have a female friend who is 16 years old. She weighs between 100 to 105 pounds. Also, she is 5 feet 4 inches tall.
She is doing several things. First, she went on a water diet and lost about 10 pounds. Then, she tried diet pills, once almost overdosed. Then,...
She wants to lose another 20 pounds through excessive exercising and purging.
I wrote you yesterday about a friend. She is 5 feet 4 inches and weighs 100 pounds. As you said she showed signs of bulimia/anorexia. I approached her and used all methods. She even said her doctor was concerned. She refuses help. She wants to lose another 20 pounds through excessive exercising and purging....
How is the appropriate calorie level is calculated?
I am curious to know how the appropriate calorie level is calculated. I have been struggling with bulimia for nearly 2 years and feel like I am gradually getting a hold of it. I want to try eating normally but still aim for some weight loss as I am over fat (BMI) and in...
You said that vomiting does not work for weight control then why do I gain weight during recovery?
Hi, I'm a 22 year old bulimic. I appreciate your site and have read a lot of the info on eating disorders. I've alternated between anorexia and bulimia (mostly bulimia) for 6 years.
My questions are regarding recovery. You said that vomiting does not work for weight control, then why do I always gain weight...
I am a vegetarian and binge on vegetables.
I am a vegetarian and eat dairy products sparingly. I feel that my diet is generally healthy and I exercise 4 to 5 times a week for about 45 minutes. My problem is that I binge every 2 weeks or so. My binges don't seem to be triggered by emotions or cravings and when...
I am a recovering bulimic and am in fear of how my diet affects my life.
I was surfing the net trying to find all the info I could find on hypoglycemia.
I am a recovering bulimic. Both my parents are alcoholics. My father is a "rageaholic". I think this stems from a sugar disorder. I am also in recovery for money issues. I am debt free, but I still use...
How can I speed up my metabolism without a lot of weight gain?
I am a 28-year-old woman who has anorexia and bulimia. I started these behaviors when I was 16 years old and was recovered until last year. Last December I fell into the terrible anorexic trap again and lost 30 pounds, which only put me at 100 pounds (I'm 5 feet 5 inches). Luckily I...
I have a friend who never eats in school.
I need your advice. I have a friend who is stressed out a lot and she doesn't throw up. But when she is in school, she never eats. When she is at home, she eats and eats and eats, but she won't throw it up. Then she says she is gaining so much weight....
I am actually bulimic and a cutter because I feel so badly about myself.
I think that your calculator is messed up. People feel bad about themselves as it is and I don't think that it makes them feel any better. I am really only 15 years old, but I tried the calculator saying I was 18. I am actually bulimic and a cutter because I feel so...