Where can I find a dietitian who works with bulimia?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with bulimia? The Behavioral Health Nutrition dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in working with patients who have eating disorders. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state and the type of...

I have a roommate that gets sick a lot and our bathroom smells of throw-up.

I have a roommate that gets sick a lot. The bathroom smells of throw-up. How can she be sick that often? Persons with bulimia commonly use the phrase "I got sick" to describe vomiting after a binge episode. Vomiting for the person with bulimia is a means of ridding themselves of the guilt they feel...

I have a personal story to share having dealt with bulimia for several years.

I do not have a question but rather a personal story to share. I myself have dealt with bulimia for several years. I want to let your visitors know they are not alone! For me, my eating disorder began when I was approximately 15 years old. I am now 23. I want to let...

Today is not a good a day. I met with my therapist and we got into some touchy areas.

Thanks for returning my message. Today is not a good a day for me. I met with my therapist and we got into some touchy areas. Then I came home, cut myself with a razor blade, ate some pizza then purged, then I took some laxatives. I know a food is good for me,...

What is bulimia? Is it the same as anorexia? Can a person have both?

What is bulimia? Is it the same as anorexia? Can a person have both? Bulimia is characterized by binge eating, which is eating a lot of food in a short period of time (usually less than two hours). Ninety percent of the time, a person with bulimia follows this with vomiting to rid herself/himself of...

If I can begin eating at a calorie level close to normal I may be able to lose weight slowly as I am active.

Thanks, Joanne for a quick and helpful answer. I did check again without estimating activity levels. This seems to be what other answers have been based on. I didn't realize that activity made such a difference. I am quite active, so if I can begin eating at a calorie level that is closer to...

I have asthma and need an effective method to lose weight instead of binging / purging.

I have a very complicated tale to tell. Firstly, I'm a 19-year-old male. I have always been a finicky eater and food has always ruled my life. My mother and my younger sister both lost weight very fast by not eating. I did the same. I didn't eat anything for nearly 5 months and when...

Do you know of any specialists who work with bulimics?

My girlfriend was bulimic for several months. She used laxatives. It is now 2 or 3 years later and she is having stomach problems. She is lactose intolerant, which may complicate the matter. Last May she became severely constipated, which was extremely painful. After seeing a gastroenterologist for several months there was no solution...

I have a friend who is bulimic and am looking for advice.

I have a friend who is bulimic and I am looking for some advice. The girl is very skinny, but not too thin yet. She has confided in only me that she is throwing up her meals around once a day to lose weight. She tells me that it's not out of control and...

I am a seventh grader doing a report for science on anorexia and bulimia.

I am a seventh grader in Massachusetts doing a report for science on anorexia/bulimia. Part of this assignment is to interview a patient or medical worker involved with these disorders. If you could, I would like you to take some time to answer the following questions on these diseases. Can anorexia/bulimia be spread...