Do you know of any specialists who work with bulimics?

My girlfriend was bulimic for several months. She used laxatives. It is now 2 or 3 years later and she is having stomach problems. She is lactose intolerant, which may complicate the matter. Last May she became severely constipated, which was extremely painful. After seeing a gastroenterologist for several months there was no solution...

In the last month, I have been exercising, taking pills, laxatives, throwing up, and doing all kinds of crazy things.

Hi, I'm a 16-year-old student in Guatemala. I need to tell someone about my eating disorder and I spotted your site in my research. Well, I have been bulimic for a time now. Sometimes I used to throw up, but that was a long time ago. Then I started to exercise compulsively etc. In...

I have a female friend who weighs between 100 to 105 pounds

Here is my question: I have a female friend who is 16 years old. She weighs between 100 to 105 pounds. Also, she is 5 feet 4 inches tall. She is doing several things. First, she went on a water diet and lost about 10 pounds. Then, she tried diet pills, once almost overdosed. Then,...

I have a friend who never eats in school.

I need your advice. I have a friend who is stressed out a lot and she doesn't throw up. But when she is in school, she never eats. When she is at home, she eats and eats and eats, but she won't throw it up. Then she says she is gaining so much weight....

I have an employee who exercises at lunch and after work.

I have an office manager who started working for me less than 3 months ago. Right off the bat, she started taking 1 1/2 to 2-hour lunches so she could run. This is after she worked out in the morning for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Then she leaves promptly at 5:55 P.M....

If I can begin eating at a calorie level close to normal I may be able to lose weight slowly as I am active.

Thanks, Joanne for a quick and helpful answer. I did check again without estimating activity levels. This seems to be what other answers have been based on. I didn't realize that activity made such a difference. I am quite active, so if I can begin eating at a calorie level that is closer to...

I am a recovering bulimic and am in fear of how my diet affects my life.

I was surfing the net trying to find all the info I could find on hypoglycemia. I am a recovering bulimic. Both my parents are alcoholics. My father is a "rageaholic". I think this stems from a sugar disorder. I am also in recovery for money issues. I am debt free, but I still use...

I am a vegetarian and binge on vegetables.

I am a vegetarian and eat dairy products sparingly. I feel that my diet is generally healthy and I exercise 4 to 5 times a week for about 45 minutes. My problem is that I binge every 2 weeks or so. My binges don't seem to be triggered by emotions or cravings and when...

I have a personal story to share having dealt with bulimia for several years.

I do not have a question but rather a personal story to share. I myself have dealt with bulimia for several years. I want to let your visitors know they are not alone! For me, my eating disorder began when I was approximately 15 years old. I am now 23. I want to let...

What is bulimia? Is it the same as anorexia? Can a person have both?

What is bulimia? Is it the same as anorexia? Can a person have both? Bulimia is characterized by binge eating, which is eating a lot of food in a short period of time (usually less than two hours). Ninety percent of the time, a person with bulimia follows this with vomiting to rid herself/himself of...