I want to gain mass in the form of muscle mass or fatty mass as a football player.

Unlike most people, I want to gain weight. I work out heavily and am really interested in bodybuilding. I want to gain mass, in the form of muscles mass or fatty mass. But my main objective is to gain a lot of weight and fast. But safely. The reason is that I am a...

Does hard boiling an egg destroy some of the amino acids?

Does hard boiling an egg destroy some of the amino acids or does it remain the same as raw? Most of the amino acids (protein) in an egg are found in the white. The yolk is mostly fat. The amino acid content of a raw or cooked egg is basically the same, no matter how...

I am an exercise physiologist and entered body fat of 7% into your calculator. I want to get to 5%.

Hello, I am an exercise physiologist. I entered body fat of 7% and I want to get to 5%. Your Healthy Body Calculator® said I should eat over 4500 calories and over 100 grams of fat! I don't think that is possible, do you? Thank you for your response. You did not provide the other...

I am a long distance runner and follow a low dairy lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.

I am a long-distance runner (55+ miles per week / 150 pounds) and follow a low-dairy lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. I usually feel great all the time, but I would like to do an analysis of my diet to make sure that I am eating properly, especially for the needs of a runner. Do you...

What are the benefits and problems associated with amino acid supplements?

What are the benefits and problems associated with amino acid supplements, particularly a supplement with a wide variety of amino acids, for an individual on a heavy workout schedule and a high carbohydrate diet? I have heard that L-tryptophan supplements are associated with a blood disease, is this true? Tryptophan is an essential amino acid...

I read with great appreciation your insight into the need for or lack of extra protein for athletes.

I read with great appreciation your insight into the need for or lack of extra protein for athletes. As a high school coach, I fight this battle of supplements every day with young athletes. I keep trying to explain that there are no magic pills. A well-balanced diet with plenty of variety is best. Currently,...

Can you direct me to a nutrition / diet source I can use to educate young basketball players?

I am collecting articles for young basketball players to improve their game. One of the topics is nutrition/diet for athletes. Can you direct me to a source I can use to educate them? Have you read my exercise, fluids, My Plate, protein & amino acids and underweight topics? Try out the Healthy Body Calculator® which could...

Recently I went for a fitness test and was tested with 28.4% body fat.

I am 29 years old. I am 5 feet and 4 inches tall and weigh 107 pounds, in general, my built is small. I exercise for an hour every day, usually aerobic and a little weight lifting. Recently, I went for a fitness test and was tested with 28.4% body fat at. This is...

Is there any medical research to back recommendation to take whey protein?

I saw a patient who is taking whey as a powder in shakes and creatine, and another amino acid supplement to define his muscle. These supplements are very expensive as you know. I discourage him from doing this, but I wondered if there was any medical research or articles of any kind to back...

I am a 24 year old masters swimmer and getting cramps a lot recently.

I am a 24-year old masters swimmer. I have been getting cramps - calf and toe- a lot recently. On the advice of the coach and teammates, I am taking a potassium supplement and eating a lot of bananas. However, this hasn't really solved my problem. I think now that it may be a...