Have you any suggestions as to diet or alternative treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)?

Have you any suggestions as to diet or alternative treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)? I have just received an "equivocal" diagnosis of lupus and hope to head it off at the pass! Lupus is an autoimmune disease. It is treated with aspirin for mild cases or steroids like prednisone for severe cases. If you start...

Hydrazine is not approved by the FDA, but is used in Russia to fight cancer where it is available without a prescription.

The FDA hasn't approved hydrazine yet. It is used in Russia to fight cancer and is available without a prescription. The full name is Hydrazine Sulfate. If you can't find it, don't worry. I posted my request in other areas so I'm sure I'll get a response either way. That is about what I had...

My wife had bypass surgery. Now uric acid in her blood is elevated. What are purines?

My wife is 43 years old. She is 54 kilograms (199 pounds) and 158 centimeters (5 feet 2 inches). She had bypass surgery in September 1997. She is quite fine now, except that uric acid level in her blood is slightly elevated (7.2 milligrams). She exercises very regularly and maintains a strict diet, especially...

I have been taking Amitriptyline and Verapamil daily for migraine management. Do either of these mediations stimulate weight gain?

I have been taking 25 mg Amitriptyline and 120 mg Verapamil daily for migraine management for about 2 months now. Do either of these medications stimulate weight gain? Amitriptyline is an antidepressant. It increases your appetite for carbohydrates causing weight gain and may increase your need for riboflavin above your RDA, which is 1.3...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with transplant patients?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with transplant patients? The Dietitians in Nutrition Support dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with patients who have had an organ or stem cell transplants. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or...

I have a friend who is becoming quadriplegic who would like advice on diet.

I have a friend who is becoming quadriplegic through post-polio syndrome. She'd like some advice on a diet---i.e. what should she eat so as not to gain weight as she loses mobility. Any ideas? A healthy diet that limits fat to 30% of calories, three meals per day and a variety of foods using the...

Please give me information about protein that increases the uric acid level in blood.

Please give me some information about the amount and type of dietary protein that can significantly increase the uric acid level in blood of apparently normal individuals. Thank you very much. Please reply soon. High uric acid levels in the blood cause uric acid crystals to build up in joints. This leads to gouty arthritis. Gout...

What foods might be eliminated to help keep my bladder and kidneys healthy?

I've already eliminated added salt. I don't buy salt-free or low-salt, as they're generally more expensive. I don't do much fast food, basically just cook for myself. I'm 82, single and live alone. Happily! I have no idea what foods might be eliminated from my consideration to help keep my bladder and kidneys healthy. I'm very allergic...

Which receipts are you using in intensive care for your patients?

I'm writing to you from Uludag University in Turkey. I'm a dietitian like you. I have a little English. Sorry about my mistakes. Which receipts are you using in intensive care for your patients? Could you write me? Your English is just fine. I work with consumers online only and do not have a patient practice....

What is treatment of a disease through a diet is called?

What is the treatment of a disease through a diet is called? The regular hospital diet is comparable to a ??? diet? The diet that reduces fiber to a minimum is the ??? diet. Medical nutrition therapy (formerly called diet therapy) Healthy eating Soft or low fiber (formerly called low residue)