My Mom is on medication that can cause liver damage. How should I prepare her meals?

My Mom is currently on medication that can possibly cause liver damage. I'm trying to cook as fat-free as possible, but I'm not too sure about what kind of foods she should be taking and how they should be prepared. She also loves spicy foods such as Indian. Could you please advise me as...

I have Crohn’s disease with bowel resection and lupus. Is a vitaim deficiency responsible for my hair loss?

I am 35 years old and have had Crohn's for many years. I have had 8 feet of my small intestine removed and about 3 feet of my large intestine removed. I have also recently been diagnosed with Lupus. In the past year or more, my hair has been falling out rapidly. The root...

I am quick to anger, am always tense about something. Could a good diet and exercise program improve these?

I am a 21-year-old college student. I find that I am quick to anger, I am always tense about something. It is almost impossible for me to relax and have a good time. I am always yelling at my boyfriend and sometimes I just feel so incredibly sad. I have always heard that a...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with transplant patients?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with transplant patients? The Dietitians in Nutrition Support dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with patients who have had an organ or stem cell transplants. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or...

I have high blood pressure. If I get put on Cortisone, is this going to cause more problems?

Thanks for your speedy reply. My question too is why is my thyroid now hyperactive? I am to get a second opinion, but asked my doctor to repeat the tests before getting a second opinion. Unfortunately (I forgot to mention this) I already have high blood pressure. If I get put on Cortisone this is...

My nephew who has leukemia. Are there any foods to be avoided while is taking these medications?

My 18-year-old nephew was diagnosed with juvenile leukemia last week. Could you please tell me if any foods should be avoided while taking the following medications? My sister needs this information and we do not know where to find it. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated. Prednisone - orally 3 times a...

I am a quadriplegic. What is a normal body weight for a 6 foot 1 inch male with a medium frame?

I am 24-year-old C 5-6 (cervical 5th and 6th vertebrae) quadriplegic and have a couple of questions. First, what is a normal body weight for a 6 foot 1 inch tall male with a medium frame? Right after my injury, four and a half years ago, I was warned not to gain a bunch of...

The doctor thinks I have lupus. Are there any foods which aggravate this disease and should be avoided?

I am a 53-year-old woman, overweight, cannot play sports since I had three vertebrae broken 8 years back, had a hysterectomy years ago, am on hormone treatment, diagnosed as hypoactive thyroid two years ago and been on thyroid pills and iron capsules. Last week had blood tests done and now hyperactive thyroid. The doctor...

Do you have hints for spinal cord injuries dealing with body composition and nutritional / metabolic status?

Do you have any hints for patients with SCI (spinal cord injuries)? Are there any sites you know of containing that kind of information? I have only found two publication so far dealing with "body composition" and "assessment of the nutritional and metabolic status of paraplegics". Any help from your side would be highly appreciated!...

I’ve been having problems with gout lately. Can you give me some help with this diet?

I've been having problems with gout lately. Can you give me some help with my diet? With gout, the uric acid level in the body goes up and it is the cause of the painful feet you probably experience. Foods high in purines break down in the body to uric acid. However, food sources of...