My friend has low thyroid hormone and is looking to get Proloid from Chile.

My friend Dolores who suffers from hypothyroidism is looking to either get someone to make her old formula (Proloid) or try to obtain it from Chile! It was the only formula that worked for her. It was a natural thyroglobulin and we have been trying for a very long time to get this. She...

I am taking an estrogen replacement and have a problem with water retention.

I am taking Prem-Pro estrogen replacement and find a huge problem with water retention. I already watch salt, but today my physician said to not drink carbonated beverages. How do they promote water retention? Thank you so much. You are absolutely correct to monitor the salt in your diet since a side effect of estrogen...

I am a quadriplegic and am working out in the gym 6 days a week.

Thank you for your most informative page. I have used it to inform myself and others who can use this valuable unbiased information. I am a recovering quadriplegic (central chord syndrome C3,6,7) and am working out in the gym 6 days a week. 3 on, one day off. I do upper body one day, lower...

Does aspartame cause headaches?

Does aspartame cause headaches? I think I get migraines from aspartame. I was on vacation in Jamaica over Spring break and I didn't have any migraine headaches. The only thing different that I noticed was the pop had saccharin in it instead. I do drink several cans of diet pop a day. Try eliminating all...

I have a rancid odor from my urine and happen to be on birth control pills.

I am a college student. I have a question which I have tried to research and figure out, but it has been to no avail. I have been experiencing a very rancid odor from my urine and it is almost constant - at least I haven't noticed it with any certain foods or activities....

Please give me information about protein that increases the uric acid level in blood.

Please give me some information about the amount and type of dietary protein that can significantly increase the uric acid level in blood of apparently normal individuals. Thank you very much. Please reply soon. High uric acid levels in the blood cause uric acid crystals to build up in joints. This leads to gouty arthritis. Gout...

I am on thyroid hormone and cannot lose weight no matter what I do.

I am hypothyroid (on Synthroid) and cannot lose weight no matter what I do. I am not a big eater and chose many low-fat items as part of the diet. I exercise 45 minutes per day (brisk walking). Is it possible that there could be another reason for the inability to lose weight? Have...

Which should I follow to eat right – high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease and stomach bypass surgery?

I have high blood pressure, diabetics, 1st signs of kidney disease, also have had RNY I am wondering which is the best one to follow by eating right. Follow all as they have a lot in common. I would highly suggest you ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian who can read your...

What could I change in my daily diet to help keep the ankylosing spondylitis flare-ups from happening?

I am a 36-year-old white male who has been diagnosed with AS (ankylosing spondylitis). I was wondering if there was something that I could change in my daily diet to help keep the flare-ups from happening. I currently take anti-inflammatory meds when pain occurs, but would rather not if I could help it with...

What is treatment of a disease through a diet is called?

What is the treatment of a disease through a diet is called? The regular hospital diet is comparable to a ??? diet? The diet that reduces fiber to a minimum is the ??? diet. Medical nutrition therapy (formerly called diet therapy) Healthy eating Soft or low fiber (formerly called low residue)