I am 39 years old. Am I too old nutrition to be in an approved program?

If you can answer this question, I would really appreciate it. I am 39 years old and have been studying nutrition in an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics approved didactic program for the last two years. With the amount of competition there is in the RD (registered dietitian) program, in your opinion, am I...

I have a niece who is looking for a 3 week internship. Who might she contact?

I have a niece studying clinical nutrition and is looking for a 3-week internship in May. Do you have a program? Do you know who she might contact? There is no 3-week internship. Most internships last 9 - 12 months. Check out the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics's dietetic internship list. Or are you looking...

Is there dietetics software you prefer to use?

Hello. I am a dietetics student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. For an assignment, I am supposed to find information about dietetics software. Is there a certain program that you prefer to use? What qualities does the software have that are better than others do? Any information that you can give me...

Where did you go to college? Where are there some good schools to become a dietitian?

I would like to know where you went to college and where are some good schools to become a dietitian. Thanking you in advance. For college, I went to the University of Northern Colorado and for graduate school, North Dakota State University. They are both good schools, but there are a lot of Academy of...

How do I become a dietitian? What classes do I take?

I am interested in becoming a dietitian. How can I become one? What classes do I have to take? I have a pharmacy degree right now. Can I work with that? What schools offer good programs (in California)? I would guess the jobs would be easier to find in pharmacy than dietetics in some areas of...

I am a 36 year old mom at home. Would it be too late for me to pursue a career as a RD?

I am a 36-year-old Mom at home. I do have a BS degree from a very reputable university. In your opinion would it be too late for me to pursue a career as an RD? Any advice would be very much appreciated. It would depend on what your Bachelor of Science degree is in. The...

I am a guy who is wondering what a dietitian does, the need for dietitians, and starting salary?

I am a guy who is interested in becoming a dietitian. I just started school at Eastern Michigan University and I was wondering what a dietitian does, the need for dietitians and the starting salary. If you could send me any info on any of these questions ( I know they are basic) or...

My daughter is starting college to become a registered dietitian. Do you know of scholarship sources?

My daughter is starting college this fall to study to be a registered dietician and we are searching for scholarship information. If you know of any sources, I would greatly appreciate any information you might have. Would suggest you contact the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation about dietetic scholarships. Also would suggest you contact...

Do you work with athletes?

Thanks for the info. I agree that pursuing another Master's degree in nutrition would probably be my best bet. Now I have to decide if I want to pursue the masters in nutrition or look into a physical therapy degree. Both of them will help my career. I just don't know which I will...

Can you tell me about studding to become a dietitian and a list of good schools?

I have a relative that is interested in becoming a dietitian. Can you give me a basic idea of what she's in for as far as studying and maybe a site that will give me a list of good schools? Thank you. At the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics read about dietitian careers where you...