I have a girlfriend who is 5 feet 2 inches and 86 pounds. Does she have anorexia?

I have a girlfriend who is 5 feet 2 inches and 86 pounds. Does she have anorexia? She thinks she can still pinch the fat on her stomach. All she eats is candy. Your friend meets 3 of the criteria for anorexia. Her appropriate weight is 101 to 136 pounds. Anyone who has lost 22%...

What health benefits and risks can you associate with fasting?

Recently, I have been curious about the practice of fasting. Not for religious or cultural reasons, just curiosity. Some of my friends who have done this have described various sensations of euphoria or "inner calm" associated with fasting. What health benefits and risks can you associate with fasting? I imagine that dehydration is the biggest...

I exercise often and try to eat a healthy diet, but am I consuming enough nutrients?

I exercise often and am therefore concerned about taking an appropriate amount of calories, which I know in turn supplies me with more nutrients. I try to eat a healthy diet, but I'm just not sure if I am consuming enough nutrients. Is there any way that I can determine how many nutrients I...

Why do they have sugar in pop?

Why do they have sugar in pop? Well, imagine plain water with food coloring and artificial flavor? You could make that at home even with carbonation. Sugar tastes sweet and adds flavor. But, there are 9 teaspoons of sugar in 12 ounces of pop (soda). Plain water or fruit juice (even diluted with twice as much...

I am desperate need of a weight loss and exercise program.

I'm in desperate need of a weight loss and exercise program. Could you help? First, use the Healthy Body Calculator® to see how many calories and fat grams you need to lose 1 or 2-pounds per week. Then use My Plate or diabetic exchanges to plan meals. If you want some help implementing this, I...

I am wondering if you have a diet for cleansing?

I was wondering if you have diet plans for a cleansing diet. I am looking for one that lasts no more than a week or a few days. I am aware of the health risks concerning a long-term diet plan but am looking for a short-term plan. Thanks for your help. Cleanse diets have become...

What should I eat to help my metabolism speed up?

I had an eating disorder a few months ago. Now it seems like my metabolism has died almost completely. I gained 25 pounds of fat weight in two months. I was 95 pounds, but now I weigh 120 pounds and I don't feel healthy at all. I'm over fat now because everything that I...

If I am eating healthy and working out, why am I not losing weight?

If a person is eating healthy and working out... what is the reason that they might not be losing weight? Your weight is determined by the calories in the food you eat minus the calories your body expends keeping itself running plus activities and exercise. In order to lose 1 pound per week, you must...

I exercise everyday for 2 1/2 hours.

I do exercise every day for 2 1/2 hours. I eat very carefully. Yes, I am addicted to laxatives. I am afraid of what will happen if I stop. The dietitian I use to see (for more than 2 years) tells me that I am killing my insides that my bowels will stop working and...

Is there a dietary program with exercise that will help me lose weight and tone my body?

I am aware that you have no idea who I am, but this morning I was on the Women's Sport & Fitness page and I got your link. I have many questions that hopefully you can give me some answers. I completed the Healthy Body Calculator® and it provided me with information regarding what my...