I play year round premier soccer and am gaining weight, but I have no clue where it’s going.

Please Please Please answer this question. I'm 16-year-old female 5 feet 7 inches and 155 pounds. I play year-round premier soccer, high school soccer, I'm currently weight lifting and I jog. I wear the same clothes I wore at 140 pounds and my clothes fit exactly the same or better. Only I seem to...

Do they still encourage carboloading for athletes?

Do they still encourage carboloading for athletes? Yes, modified carboloading is still practiced. Carboloading started with marathon runners in an attempt to store as much muscle glycogen as possible, to run longer. Originally, the diet combined periods of exhaustive exercise and a low carbohydrate diet. A few days before an athletic event, the athlete was...

I want to reduce my body fat down to 9 to 10%.

Thanks for taking the time, your feedback was a welcome sight! According to "rough" estimates, I am somewhere between 11-13% body fat. There are a couple of places where it is carried to a more noticeable degree than others - namely the "spare tire" and "love handles". Everything else is pretty lean. And yes, I...

I am a basketball official. What is the best supplement to take on the shuttle run test?

On Friday I have a fitness test to take. The reason for the test is that I am a basketball official in the college and university ranks and they want to find out what officials are in the best of condition. The test is a shuttle run. I have to run 18 meters back...

When I enter 35% for my protein intake in your calculator, I get an error message that 35% is too high.

When I enter 35% for my protein intake in your Healthy Body Calculator®, I get an error message that 35% is too high. I am a weightlifter and this is not 'unreasonable'. Please fix this or find a way to enter whatever values we would like. I like your page and would like to...

I read with great appreciation your insight into the need for or lack of extra protein for athletes.

I read with great appreciation your insight into the need for or lack of extra protein for athletes. As a high school coach, I fight this battle of supplements every day with young athletes. I keep trying to explain that there are no magic pills. A well-balanced diet with plenty of variety is best. Currently,...

I do a lot of running. I don’t like eating and/or can’t eat enough to keep my energy level up.

I do a lot of running (50+ miles per week) training/running marathons. I don't like eating and/or I can't eat enough to keep my "energy" level up ... I eat a lot of carbohydrates, fruits, veggies, etc. ... rarely meat ... My question is that what do you think about products like "Ensure" to...

Will the overdose of protein be harmful to a normal body function or is it simply not recommended?

I've got a question of protein consumption one adult should have normally. Will the overdose of protein be harmful to a normal body function or is it simply not recommended? Since I understand that over-doing those nutritious elements will not bring any benefit to the body as a whole functional unit, about this protein...

I want to gain mass in the form of muscle mass or fatty mass as a football player.

Unlike most people, I want to gain weight. I work out heavily and am really interested in bodybuilding. I want to gain mass, in the form of muscles mass or fatty mass. But my main objective is to gain a lot of weight and fast. But safely. The reason is that I am a...

How do I determine body fat percentage using lots of fat roll measurements and frame measurements?

I drink only water and skim milk and eat approximately 500 calories per meal (high protein, low fat, high complex carbohydrate, low carbohydrate (sugar?), low cholesterol, lots of greens, veggies and some fruit). I don't snack at all. I think you were right about my BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). I think that is what...