What are ways to get iron if you do not eat red meat and iron pills make you sick?

What are other ways to eat iron if you do not eat red meat and iron supplement pills make you sick? While red meats are the best source of heme iron which is highly absorbable. Leafy greens are a vegetable source which contains non-heme a lesser absorbable form of iron. The drawback tho is that leafy...

Who is the RDA designed for?

Who is the RDA's designed for? If a small adult ate enough to get all the nutrients in the RDA, he would be fat. If a very large adult ate exactly his RDA, he might be malnourished. The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) were established to cover the nutritional needs of all normal, healthy people living...

How would I get daily iron requirement if I eat a balanced diet, but no meat?

How would a person get their daily iron requirement if that person eats a balanced diet, but eats no meat? The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iron is 10 milligrams for adult males and postmenopausal females. Males (ages 11 to 18) need 12 milligrams of iron per day. Females (ages 11 to 50 years) need...

I don’t really know if I am getting enough of the RDA from what I eat.

I am familiar with the Recommended Dietary Allowance, but I don't really know if I am getting enough from what I eat. Is there any way to find out if I am actually taking in the RDA? One way to know if you are getting the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for all the nutrients you...

I have been getting dark bruise-like scaring of the skin.

I was interested because I have a question about a skin condition I am experiencing. I have seen a dermatologist for this problem, but I was told there is nothing I can do for the existing areas. But, the dermatologist said I could prevent future scarring by the constant use of sunscreens. I am female,...

Could you give me some more information on vitamin A?

I am a young student presently in the 9th grade. Your site is awesome! I am doing a project in biology class and I chose to do it on vitamin A. Your site was the only one that had some vital information on vitamin A. I was hoping that you could somehow give me...

How about daily 400 IU of vitamin E for hair loss?

How about daily 400 IU of vitamin E for hair loss? The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) of vitamin E is 10 milligrams for the adult male and 8 milligrams for the adult female. Your RDA of vitamin E can be achieved without supplements by eating plant oils (vegetable oil, margarine, salad dressings), dark green and...

My question concerns the use of zinc and vitamin C to enhance a man’s fertility.

My question concerns the use of zinc and vitamin C to enhance a man's fertility. My husband and I are currently trying to have a baby and he was advised to supplement his diet with vitamin C and zinc. Is there any scientific merit to this advice and if so, how much of each...

Have you had an opportunity to check out Ideal Health?

Have you had an opportunity to check out Ideal Health? Also, feel free to contact me via this email account. I look forward to hearing from you. Boy and I thought I had read everything! First, any company that sells supplements is usually not a provider of accurate nutrition info. Typically these companies want to conclude...

I have pernicious anemia and do you have information on that?

If you have time, I have pernicious anemia and wondered if you had any information on that? Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B 12. It would show up on a blood test because of the large immature red blood cells that are present. These large red blood cells are very inefficient...