Is it okay to have more of a certain nutrient?

How important is it to have a balanced nutrient intake in your diet? Is it okay to have more of a certain nutrient? The goal of eating a balanced amount of nutrients is to eat a wide variety of foods from all food groups (meat, starch, vegetables, fruit, dairy, and healthy fats) that will give...

Does niacin give a clean urine test?

Does niacin give a clean urine test? If so what kind of dose should be taken? Don't know what kind of clean urine test to which you are referring? If you mean a clean drug test, no vitamin or mineral supplement or food can create a clean urine test. Only going drug-free after a period...

Do you have any recommendations for a vitamin that might give me more energy?

Do you have any recommendations for a vitamin that might give me more energy? I currently take Slow-Fe (iron) and a multivitamin but find that at the end of the day I am exhausted. Any suggestions? Thank you. You didn't give me a lot of information to go on, but here are my thoughts. Since...

My mother is on a blood thinning medicine called “Coumadin”. Is there a diet that can help her?

Thank you for having a site where questions may be answered. My mother is on a blood-thinning medicine called "Coumadin". She had heard there is a diet that can help her while on this medication. Foods that might be low in iron perhaps? The doctor never told her anything about controlling her diet in that...

I take a vitamin C supplement of 1000 milligrams as an antioxidant. What are the effects related to excess?

I am taking a supplement of 1 gram of vitamin C as an antioxidant. What are the collateral effects related to the excess of Vitamin C? First of all, it turns your urine yellow. It makes your urine more acid, which decreases urinary pH and the possibility of urinary tract infections. Beyond that 1 gram (1000...

Where can I find a dietitian who is smart about vitamin supplements?

Where can I find a dietitian who is smart about vitamin supplements? The Nutrition in Complementary Care dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association has an interest in the role of alternative herbal, vitamin and mineral therapies in improving health and preventing disease. Their Find a Comp Care Nutritionist feature will help you locate...

Which would you say is better vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements?

Hi! I was wondering if you could help me with an extended essay that I have to write regarding vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements. Which would you say is the better? Do you know of any experiments that I could perform in order to prove which is the better? Thanks...

Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice?

I couldn't find this issue addressed on your webpage. I hope this isn't a duplicate question. Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice? I have heard that dentists advise against it because it could damage your teeth. Is this true? However, what I am really wondering is if it signifies any deficiency...

What do you know about Chromium Picolinate?

What do you know about Chromium Picolinate? Chromium Picolinate is sold over the counter as a nutritional supplement. Chromium works with insulin in assisting cells to take in glucose and release energy. When chromium is lacking, the effectiveness of insulin is lessened and glucose tolerance is impaired. Deficiency is rare except in people who must...

I have been discussing with doctors this issue of the vitamins and urine.

I have been discussing with doctors this issue of the vitamins, but none could give me that convincing explanation and advice as you did. What you say make a lot of sense i.e. making expensive urine. Thanks a lot. The reason I said you would make expensive urine is your body absorbs about 15% from...