Does baking a custard affect the calcium in milk?

Does baking a custard affect the calcium in milk? Cooking does not alter the calcium in milk. Calcium from milk in baked custard stays in the same form as calcium in fluid milk. Minerals are usually pretty stable to most cooking methods. The absorption of calcium can be decreased by oxylates in green leafy vegetables or...

Do the amounts of the RDA change when you want to slim down?

What is the RDA for fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates and <proteins? Do these amounts change when you would like to slim down? There is no RDA for fat, cholesterol, sodium or carbohydrate. The RDA for protein is age and gender dependent. Your RDA does not change whether you want to gain or lose weight. Assuming...

I read where chromium picolinate is recommended for people with hypoglycemia.

I read where chromium picolinate is recommended for people with hypoglycemia. Can a person vary on the amount taken daily? (i.e. take more when in a bad mood) Also, is there a certain amount of sugar able to be taken that won't affect one's emotional state? Also, is there a recommended diet? Thank you in...

I am on Coumadin to thin my blood to prevent blood clots and having trouble regulating my dosage.

I am on Coumadin to thin my blood and prevent blood clots. I am having trouble regulating my dosage. My diet could be the problem. Could you send me a list of foods to avoid? The USDA has the best list of foods with vitamin K. In the table below, choose foods that add up...

I’ve just been put on vitamin B2 for headaches and want more information.

I've just been put on 400 mg of B2, daily, for headaches and was trying to get more information. New treatment for migraines includes 400 milligrams of riboflavin per day. Ask your doctor before beginning as this is a very large dose of riboflavin. You also want to make sure your doctor eliminates other possible...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have osteoporosis or don’t get enough calcium?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have osteoporosis or don't get enough calcium? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services in addition to...

Have you ever heard of pica and eating paper?

I am a 33-year-old married mother of one. I have what I feel is an embarrassing and possibly life-threatening disorder. Some years ago I was diagnosed as being anemic. The iron level was so low that the doctor asked if I ate or craved anything unusual. I told him that I crave and chew...

Adelle Davis was a pioneer, way ahead of her time.

Don't be dissing Adelle Davis she had an MS in Biochemistry. What's yours in? Adelle Davis was a pioneer, way ahead of her time. Sounds like you've not even read her books. They're full of references to studies, etc. Don't you see how everything she said decades ago is all being corroborated now with...

Which would you say is better vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements?

Hi! I was wondering if you could help me with an extended essay that I have to write regarding vitamin C in oranges vs. vitamin C in supplements. Which would you say is the better? Do you know of any experiments that I could perform in order to prove which is the better? Thanks...

If you eat fruit before your menstrual cycle, do you retain as much water because of potassium?

If you eat a lot of fruit before your menstrual cycle, do you retain as much water because the potassium does something to the salt? Maybe I should eat more fruit. A lot of fruit added to your diet by itself will not reduce premenstrual fluid retention. A lower salt intake will help reduce that...