Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice?


I couldn’t find this issue addressed on your webpage. I hope this isn’t a duplicate question. Is there any nutritional significance to the habit of chewing ice?

I have heard that dentists advise against it because it could damage your teeth. Is this true?

However, what I am really wondering is if it signifies any deficiency or something along those lines. I seem to remember hearing something like this once. Perhaps it is just an “old wives tale”? Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

If you are a chronic ice chewer meaning you chew ice regularly compared to periodically chewing ice in your beverage glass, then I would make an appointment with your doctor to get your iron tested. You may have pica which can indicate iron deficiency anemia.

As to damage to your teeth, chewing on ice could break teeth, fillings or crowns. Ask your dentist about ice chewing next visit.