Prior to discharge from the hospital, I was told to go on a low-fat diet.

I was told, prior to discharge from the hospital, to go on a "low-fat" diet. However, I don't have an appointment with either my cardiologist or my internist for about another 6 weeks. I would like to know what amount of fat I need to include in my diet. I'm about 40 pounds overweight,...

I concentrate on the fat content which is typically between 5% and 10%. Is my fat intake too low?

I eat a balanced diet except I concentrate on the fat content. If it's available in non-fat such as milk or cheese, that's what I buy and eat. My fat intake is typically between 5 and 10% of my calories. I do weight train and do cardio workouts three times a week. Is my...

What is your opinion of Dean Ornish diet for reversing coronary heart disease?

What is your opinion of Dr. Dean Ornish's diet for reversing coronary heart disease? Is it possible to get too little fat in your diet? If so, what are the symptoms? First, talk to your doctor before starting any diet or exercise. Dr. Dean Ornish's diet incorporates whole plant-based foods (vegetarian) rather than processed foods (veggie...

My wife and I are trying to lose weight. How much fat should be consumed in a day?

My wife and I are trying to lose weight. We are concerned about the amount of fat in our diet. What is the recommended amount of fat that should be consumed in a day? We are eating different amounts and would appreciate any information that you can provide. We are in the mid to...

I have been eating 1200 calories a day with 10 to 12 fat grams each day.

I would appreciate your advice on the following matter. Since I began my weight loss program five weeks ago, I have been consuming 1200 calories a day. I exercise for about 10 minutes daily on a cardio-glide machine. My problem is my fat intake. I think I'm taking in too few fat grams. The foods...

I am paying attention to what I eat especially the amount and type of fat in my diet.

I've always been active and in good shape, but now that I'm getting older (42 yr.-old male), it's tougher to keep the weight off. Therefore, I am trying to pay closer attention to what I eat, especially the amounts and types of fat in my diet, but it's still very hard to tell how...

My daughter says that white meat chicken has a higher fat content and I say that dark meat has the greater amount.

My daughter and I have been having a discussion on fat content in chicken. Specifically as to which has the higher fat content. My daughter contends that white meat has a higher fat content and I, of course, say that dark meat has the greater amount. In fact is there any difference? Dark poultry (chicken...

The spa trainer advised that my fat intake should average 20 to 30 grams per day.

I just read some of the diet and exercise advice you give over the Internet and thought maybe you could help me with my question. I've been making a concerted effort to better my eating habits and lose weight. My diet generally averages no more or less than 20 fat grams a day. I...

I’ve heard avocados are fatty.

I have an avocado tree. I've heard avocados are fatty, so limit myself to a half one per day. Recently I read they are a good source of protein, so I would eat more if it made sense. Considering the pros and cons, just what would be a sensible, regular use of avocados in...

Please clarify the percent fat content on food nutriiton labels.

1) My wife and I have recently switched from 1% to skim milk. What is the recommended type of milk for our two children, ages 8 and 9? 2) Please clarify the % fat content on food nutrition labels. I understand that a general guideline for gauging fat intake is no more than 30% of...