I have been suffering from mouth ulcers for the last six months.

I have been suffering from reoccurring mouth ulcers for the last six months. My last attack has lasted 10 days and I currently have a total of 22 ulcers present. As you can imagine I am somewhat fed up. My doctor was not able to suggest a cure or able to recommend anything that...

I am trying to locate information on multiple chemical sensitivity.

I am trying to locate information on multiple chemical sensitivity. How can I find out if there are any doctors in the Portland, Oregon area who know anything about it? Thank you. Multiple chemical sensitivity is a reaction to pollutants and other chemicals like pollen, not usually foods. Allergic reactions don't seem to affect other...

I need a list of food that does not contain milk or milk solids for my 2 year old who is lactose intolerant.

I was wondering if I could get any type of information on lactose intolerance. I have a 2-year-old who cannot tolerate any type of lactose in his diet. If possible a listing of food that does NOT contain milk or milk solids would help. Fresh fruit, vegetables, rice, meat, poultry, fish, some soy meat substitutes,...

I am wondering about what kinds of food can I substitute for breads?

Hello, I'm 32 and have been diagnosed with many allergies, some I knew about others I didn't. One I am concerned about is gluten, the others are both kinds of yeast. I am wondering about what kinds of things I can substitute in my diet for bread and such, any suggestions would be helpful. First,...

My sister needs to have her gallbladder removed. Her doctor put her on a diet of clear liquids.

My sister just found out she needs to have her gallbladder removed (the surgery date will be set later this week). Her doctor put her on a diet of clear liquids last week and she needs to remain on that for a couple more weeks (I am not sure how long after the surgery)....

I have hemorrhoids and I was wondering if this is related to my poor eating habits?

I have a question. I know I have an eating disorder of some sort. I alternate between overeating and extreme diets. Anyway, I have hemorrhoids, and I was wondering if this condition is at all related to my poor eating habits? If you could also give me any information on eating disorders it would...

My wife has been told by a naturopath/homeopath that she has candiditis in her gut. Is it necessary to cut all sugars?

Thanks for your excellent resource. Could you answer a question I have about my wife? She has been told by a naturopath/homeopath that she has Candiditis (too much Candida virus in her gut, which has become a yeast and crossed through her gut wall and into her body). On his advice, she's cut out caffeine, alcohol,...

I have a horrible metallic feel, not taste in my mouth.

I have a horrible metallic "feel", not really a taste in my mouth. I went to my doctor and he said I need all my fillings out because of a leakage that can cause a problem with the "electrical" system in my body and possibly lead to cancer later. I went to my dentist and...

I tried an elimination diet with the aid of a dietitian who specialized in food intolerance.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I spent some months on an elimination diet in 1992 with the aid of a dietitian who specialized in food intolerance. Also, I had skin prick tests and tested egg yolks and whites independent of each other. I have a comprehensive listing of the amount of salicylate found...

I have a milk allergy and am trying to eat a milk-free. Do you have any suggestions as what to do?

I have been diagnosed as allergic to milk and am trying to eat a milk-free diet. It is extremely difficult to find totally dairy-free products. Do you have any suggestions as to what to do? Adult milk intolerance is usually caused by lactose the sugar in milk. Whereas, infant milk allergy is triggered by casein,...