I am wondering about what kinds of food can I substitute for breads?

Hello, I'm 32 and have been diagnosed with many allergies, some I knew about others I didn't. One I am concerned about is gluten, the others are both kinds of yeast. I am wondering about what kinds of things I can substitute in my diet for bread and such, any suggestions would be helpful. First,...

Is spelt allowed in diets for celiac disease?

With respect to the gluten content of spelt products, how does it compare to other grains and is it allowed in diets for celiac disease? Thanks. Spelt (uncooked and cooked) is in the USDA database. However, the gluten fraction of protein is not measured so I can't give you a comparison. Foods with any gluten...

What are the symptoms of celiac disease?

I have a few comments on your gluten response. Its symptoms are continuous diarrhea, cramping abdominal pain, weight loss, and anemia. These are just some of the possible symptoms and are the most common. However, one may not have these and may have others like constipation. I think you should say these are "possible"...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who don’t tolerate wheat or gluten?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who don't tolerate wheat or gluten? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the American Dietetic Association provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services in addition to services provided in a...

I own a restaurant. One person has requested a GFML diet. I am unfamiliar with this.

I own a restaurant in Minneapolis. I have a large group coming on Tuesday and one person has requested a GFML diet. I am unfamiliar with this and cannot find any information on this type of diet. I have even telephoned several nutritionists in the Twin Cities area and no one has any idea....

Celiac disease, fiber, water, and low fat for bloating and gas?

Hi Thank you for your swift response. I am replying as requested. I was diagnosed with celiac disease a few years ago so I never consume anything with gluten. I eat 25-35 grams of fiber a day (been logging intake for the past few months). I drink plenty of water. Pee is light yellow, no...

Is spelt low in gluten and tolerated by some gluten-sensitive individuals?

Having read your topic on gluten, I have this to share: What little I know of spelt is this--it is an ancient grain, dating back to biblical days. It has gained the interest of the health food community recently. It is low in gluten and may be tolerated by some gluten-sensitive individuals. Thanks for the...

Is celiac a disease or an allergy? Can it be cured?

I am currently 27 and was diagnosed with celiac at age 9. A large number of my friends are research/ biology/science based and an ongoing argument between us is why celiac is defined as a disease and whether in fact, it is not simply an allergy. It has been suggested at times that such...

My husband has celiac sprue, which is hard for me to cook.

My husband has celiac sprue, which is hard for me to cook for. If you have any information on this, I would like to have it. He can't have anything with wheat, oat, rye or barley. Celiac sprue results in a permanent intolerance to gluten, which is the structural protein component of wheat, barley, and...

Can you provide any information ongluten free products in the Orlando / Disneyland area?

We are coming to Disneyland Florida in July and have a 5-year-old son who has celiac disease. Can you provide any information on US producers/brands of gluten-free products or any addresses/email addresses I could contact for stock lists of those products in the Orlando / Disneyland area? Many thanks in anticipation. I have sent you a...