I am a student majoring in dietetics and have never talked to a dietitian.

HI, I am a student and I am majoring in dietetics. We are supposed to do this interview assignment. It isn't for a job, but just for the information. If you have time, I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following questions. Basically, I want to find out if this is...

How did the dietitian profession begin? Where did dietitians first practice?

Your website is both interesting and informative. I am a Physical Therapy Assistant student doing a report on related occupations. I chose the dietitian profession, but I have not been able to find any information on the history of this area of specialty. How did the profession begin? Where did dietitians first practice? Any...

Where did you go to college? Where are there some good schools to become a dietitian?

I would like to know where you went to college and where are some good schools to become a dietitian. Thanking you in advance. For college, I went to the University of Northern Colorado and for graduate school, North Dakota State University. They are both good schools, but there are a lot of Academy of...

I want a career as a zoo animal dietitian. What would my major be?

I am currently a senior in high school and am interested in pursuing a career to be an animal dietitian. My ideal working place is in a zoo composing the diets of the animals that live there and researching what different nutrients do for the health of the captive animals. What courses should I...

I have a master’s degree in exercise physiology. How do I start to expand my knowledge in nutrition?

I have a master's degree in exercise physiology and wanted to expand my knowledge base more on nutrition. Could you tell me how I need to start? I am not sure if I need to look at a Registered Dietitian degree or what the difference between a nutritionist and a registered dietitian is? Thanks...

I have to interview a dietitian. Could you answer a few of my questions?

I am a student at the University of Cincinnati. In my freshman English class, I am required to do a research paper dealing with my major. I have to interview a dietitian and discovered you on the Internet. I would really appreciate it if you could answer a few of my questions. My deadline...

What’s the difference between a certified nutritionist and registered dietitian?

Recently, I've become interested in nutrition. I've been reading a lot of things about it. I ran up on 2 terms that I don't quite understand. Please help. What's the difference between a certified nutritionist and registered dietitian? Do they both have the same qualification to counsel people on nutrition? Have you heard of the...

How do I become a dietitian? What classes do I take?

I am interested in becoming a dietitian. How can I become one? What classes do I have to take? I have a pharmacy degree right now. Can I work with that? What schools offer good programs (in California)? I would guess the jobs would be easier to find in pharmacy than dietetics in some areas of...

Do you have information about review workshops for the RD exam?

Would you have any info about review workshops in Ohio for someone taking the registered dietitian exam in Oct? Your help would be appreciated. Thank you. I do not have info about review workshops. I would recommend you search the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). The Academy does have...

What is your day as a dietitian like? What do you do specifically?

This is great that I can email you and ask your opinion! I am a 19-year-old student and am finishing up my last year of high school before going into university. I originally wanted to take Applied Health and Nutrition (I am in Canada) and now I have chosen to go into nursing instead...