How did the dietitian profession begin? Where did dietitians first practice?

Your website is both interesting and informative. I am a Physical Therapy Assistant student doing a report on related occupations. I chose the dietitian profession, but I have not been able to find any information on the history of this area of specialty. How did the profession begin? Where did dietitians first practice? Any...

What is your day as a dietitian like? What do you do specifically?

This is great that I can email you and ask your opinion! I am a 19-year-old student and am finishing up my last year of high school before going into university. I originally wanted to take Applied Health and Nutrition (I am in Canada) and now I have chosen to go into nursing instead...

I work in corporate health and fitness. Would I need / want to pursue my RD?

I am 3/4 of the way through my Master's program in Applied Physiology and Nutrition at Columbia University. I have my bachelor's in nutrition. I currently work in corporate health and fitness and am wondering how to decide whether or not I need/want to pursue my R.D. What are the pros and cons? I...

Do you have information about review workshops for the RD exam?

Would you have any info about review workshops in Ohio for someone taking the registered dietitian exam in Oct? Your help would be appreciated. Thank you. I do not have info about review workshops. I would recommend you search the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR). The Academy does have...

Dietician is spelled incorrectly. There is no second t in dietician.

In the title of the Ask the Dietitian site, DIETITIAN IS SPELLED INCORRECTLY!!! There is no second T in dietician!! FYI, outside the US, many people spell dietitian as dietician (a -tic- in the middle) and in the United States, dietitian is spelled dietitian (a -tit- in the middle). Since the internet is worldwide, either...

I would like to know the steps you took to enter dietetics.

I am planning to enter the dietetic field of study. If you have a quick moment, I would like to know the steps you took to enter the field. I found a wonderful program at a 2-year college, allowing myself to be introduced to the field as a dietetic technician. Do you think it is...

I am an Air Force male and am thinking of a career as a dietitian. Is this a growing field?

I was wondering if you could give me some advice? I am 29 male and I am in the Air Force and I am thinking of a career as a dietitian. Is this a growing field or should I steer my focus in another direction? I am currently in Korea until November and I...

I am looking for a credentialed nutritionist in the southern New Jersey area

I am looking for a credentialed nutritionist in the southern New Jersey area or Ocean County area. I thank you in advance for any help you can give me. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state, the type of service you want (individual consultation)...

How much to pay a dietitian full time to manage a program for heart disease patients?

Hello, I was just surfing the web and was wondering if you could help me. I am doing a project for a public health nutrition class and I was wanting to know how much to pay a dietitian who would work 8:30 - 5 five days a week and manage a program for heart...

Where can I find a dietitian in my area?

Where can I find a dietitian in my area? You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state, the type of service you want (individual consultation) and area of expertise.