Where can I find a dietitian in my area?

Where can I find a dietitian in my area? You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state, the type of service you want (individual consultation) and area of expertise.

Dietician is spelled incorrectly. There is no second t in dietician.

In the title of the Ask the Dietitian site, DIETITIAN IS SPELLED INCORRECTLY!!! There is no second T in dietician!! FYI, outside the US, many people spell dietitian as dietician (a -tic- in the middle) and in the United States, dietitian is spelled dietitian (a -tit- in the middle). Since the internet is worldwide, either...

Can you tell me about studding to become a dietitian and a list of good schools?

I have a relative that is interested in becoming a dietitian. Can you give me a basic idea of what she's in for as far as studying and maybe a site that will give me a list of good schools? Thank you. At the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics read about dietitian careers where you...

How do I become a dietitian? What classes do I take?

I am interested in becoming a dietitian. How can I become one? What classes do I have to take? I have a pharmacy degree right now. Can I work with that? What schools offer good programs (in California)? I would guess the jobs would be easier to find in pharmacy than dietetics in some areas of...

I am a student majoring in dietetics and have never talked to a dietitian.

HI, I am a student and I am majoring in dietetics. We are supposed to do this interview assignment. It isn't for a job, but just for the information. If you have time, I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the following questions. Basically, I want to find out if this is...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dietitian work?

I'm a junior in high school. I have always been interested in nutrition and am now considering it as a career in the future. However, I don't know many dietitians and thought perhaps you could share with me the type of work a dietitian does; the advantages and disadvantages of your work and what...

I have a niece who is looking for a 3 week internship. Who might she contact?

I have a niece studying clinical nutrition and is looking for a 3-week internship in May. Do you have a program? Do you know who she might contact? There is no 3-week internship. Most internships last 9 - 12 months. Check out the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics's dietetic internship list. Or are you looking...

My niece would like to be a sports dietitian. Could you help her achieve her dream?

Good afternoon. My 17-year-old niece would like to earn BS degree as a sport's dietitian. She lives in Dallas, Texas. Could you provide any information that would help her achieve her dream? Why not surf around the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics where they have lots of info about becoming a dietitian, schools, and internships....

I am an Air Force male and am thinking of a career as a dietitian. Is this a growing field?

I was wondering if you could give me some advice? I am 29 male and I am in the Air Force and I am thinking of a career as a dietitian. Is this a growing field or should I steer my focus in another direction? I am currently in Korea until November and I...

What is the difference between a dietitian, food technologist and nutritionist?

What is the difference between a dietitian, a food technologist and a nutritionist and who would be the best at devising diet plans? A dietitian has at least a four-year Bachelor's degree in nutrition and dietetics (or graduate degree), has completed an internship and has passed a national registration exam from the Academy of Nutrition...