Someone would be hard pressed to convince me that low carbohydrate is not healthy.

Your information on low carbohydrate eating is questionable. You do not cite a single study, nor do you rely on information from the research of any type. What I know to be true is that since I have begun restricting my carbohydrates during the day to virtually 0 grams and enjoying as much carbohydrate as...

Is there any problems with a high fat, high protein, low carbohydrate diet like Dr. Mario Disasquale’s anabolic diet?

Wondering if there are any problems (kidney, liver, heart, prostate) with a high-fat/high-protein/low carbohydrate diet like Dr. Mario Dipasquale's anabolic diet? The diet's main energy source is fat and protein. It restricts carbohydrates to less than 30 grams per day during the week and then on the weekend (no longer than 48 hours) you...

I’ve read some convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they work and can I eat all the starch I want?

I've read some pretty convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they really work and can I really eat all the starch I want? No. I had thought we had heard the last of the starch blocker issue when the FDA banned them. Starch blockers do not prevent you from absorbing starch and do not live...

During my workout, I get light headed and yawn a lot.

I workout a lot. From time to time during my workout, I get very light headed and notice I yawn a lot. What do you think? I feel I have a good diet. I don't eat fast food, fried food, or much junk food. I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't drink milk. I don't eat...

It bought back memories from when I was an inpatient at Renfrew.

I got an email from Renfrew (eating disorder clinic) today. It bought back memories from when I was there. I am keeping the folder from Renfrew so I can remember what I was taught there. Renfrew also has an email address so I can write them when times are tough. Once again thanks for...

I was trying to find the calories in Moon cakes and kebabs.

I was trying very hard to find out the calories content in Mooncakes, a traditional Chinese recipe made for celebration during moon cakes festival. Also, I want to know the calories content in kebabs, including mutton, beef and chicken kebabs wrapped in pita bread. Many thanks. Sorry, but I don't have a recipe for Mooncakes nor...

I have been working out for years, but only recently examined my food intake relative to exercise.

My two goals seem more and more conflicting. I have been working out for years, but only within the last 6 months have I seriously examined my food intake in relation to my exercise goals. I do 1 hour of aerobics each morning and lift for about 1 hour each night. On weekends I...

Can you give me some tips to losing weight?

Can you give me some tips for losing weight? Ten Changes You Can Make to Lose Weight * Appetizer reading Ten Simple Healthy Eating Habits. Set realistic goals - You didn't put on extra weight overnight so it is equally unrealistic to take it off quickly. Record a goal that you can reach in one...

How much sugar is in a sucker?

How much sugar is in a sucker? The size of suckers vary, but in a clear, hard candy sucker, there should be about 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar (4 to 8 grams). Are your brushing your teeth after eating a sucker? Sweet sticky sugars like suckers or candy adhere to tooth enamel. The bacteria in...

She wants to lose another 20 pounds through excessive exercising and purging.

I wrote you yesterday about a friend. She is 5 feet 4 inches and weighs 100 pounds. As you said she showed signs of bulimia/anorexia. I approached her and used all methods. She even said her doctor was concerned. She refuses help. She wants to lose another 20 pounds through excessive exercising and purging....