Do you have any ideas how I can lose lose the big hips and thighs?

I am a 22-year-old. Do you have any ideas on how I can lose some weight and lose the big hips and thighs? First, find out what you should weigh and eat with the Healthy Body Calculator®. With physical exercise, you can strengthen the underlying muscles. While spot reducing is not possible, you can lose...

Tell me about glucagon and how it relates to weight loss.

I was hoping you could tell me a little about glucagon and how or if it relates to weight loss. I heard in a lecture recently that it works against insulin and helps people to lose weight. Is there any truth to this? Could you just give me a little more information about it and...

I had a daughter 3 yeas ago, gained about 60 pounds, and just can’t lose the last 20.

I had a daughter 3 years ago. I gained about 60 pounds while pregnant. I dropped 40 of those pounds, but I just can't seem to lose the last 20. Before her, I weighed 125 pounds. I now weigh around 143 pounds. I have kept this weight pretty constant over that 3 year period...

How many grams of sugar I should stay below each day?

I need help. I have been trying to eat healthier, but it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot. Could you tell me about how many grams of sugar I should stay below each day? Some of the foods I eat say non-fat but have 30 grams of sugar in them and I...

Five days ago I started on Slim Fast as a substitute for just one meal a day.

Five days ago I started on Slim Fast as a substitute for just 1 meal a day. I drink it in place of lunch and eat a light breakfast, a sensible dinner, with no desserts and low-fat cooking. I've already lost 5 pounds. I've started "lap-walking" at our local mall, too. Yesterday I noticed a...

We have been eating 1200 to 1500 calories a day for 2 months and have lost less than 5 pounds.

We have tried your Healthy Body Calculator that tells us we can eat about 1700 to 1900 calories a day and still lose 2 pounds a week. We have been eating 1,200 to 1,500 a day for 2 months and have only lost less than 5 pounds. We exercise every day! We drink 72 to...

Research indicates that women 5 feet 5 inches should weight 119 pounds. Upsetting to me.

I heard on the news and have been watching my newsgroups about the latest and "greatest" research indicating that women 5 feet 5 inches should weigh 119 pounds. The research claims that the weight standards published currently are far too "lenient". This is extremely upsetting to me. I am 5 feet 5 inches and...

What is obesity?

What is obesity? Obesity is a medical diagnosis that describes a condition where you weigh 20% more than the maximum you should for your age and gender. Obesity is a risk for getting diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Obese kids are more likely to be obese adults. For instance, if you are 10-year old girl...

What would happen if I ate the exact amount of calories to maintain my goal weight?

Does the excess weight an overweight person have the need to be supported? I am currently overweight going to Weight Watchers and do not understand what would happen if I ate the exact amount of calories to maintain my goal weight. I understand I am eating a little less than that, but what if...

Can stress cause a person to gain weight?

Can stress cause a person to gain weight? I have maintained a 50-pound weight loss for 20 years, but it's a continual battle. I have hypoglycemia--am a vegetarian (for 26 years) and exercise regularly. I am 43 years old, recently changed job to one that is very stressful. I eat about 750 to 1000...