My husband is on a low salt diet for high blood pressure. He tells me food tastes blah.

My husband is on a low salt diet for high blood pressure. He tells me his food tastes blah. Recently, he has been sprinkling soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce on his meat. Is it all right to use them on his diet? No, soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce are both too high in sodium and...

My grandmother’s sodium level is 123. I have relayed your suggestions to ask my grandmother’s doctors.

Thank you for responding so soon to my letter about my grandmother's sodium level. I was incorrect about her present count. It is at 123, not 143. I have relayed your suggestions to my mother so she can ask her doctors about testing for certain things. I appreciate your quick response and hope something...

Can you recommend the best tasting salt substitute?

I've been using a salt substitute, but it leaves a bitter aftertaste in my mouth. Can you recommend the best tasting salt substitute? Salt substitutes usually contain potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride as found in salt. The salt substitute makes you produce saliva much in the same way salt does. However, the potassium does...

My husband has high blood pressure and moderately high cholesterol. What can I cook?

My husband has high blood pressure (140/95) and moderately high cholesterol (210). He is currently taking medication to control his blood pressure. While he needs to reduce the fat and cholesterol in his diet, he doesn't need to lose weight - he's 6'6" and 200 lb. He consumes approx.3500-4000 calories per day. My blood...