My sister gives in to her 4-year-old daughter at meal time.

My sister gives in to her four-year-old daughter at meal time. She makes a nice meal, but her daughter won't eat the regular meal like the rest of the family. My sister makes something else like a hot dog or grilled cheese sandwich for her. Isn't it time her daughter start eating like the...

I am a female 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches and 118 pounds. I want to know if I am underweight or not?

Hi, I am a female 14 years old, 5 feet 7 inches and 118 pounds. I want to know if I am underweight or not? No, you are not underweight for height. You are taller than 95% of the girls your age and average for weight with a healthy weight range of 111 - 145...

Would you serve your children KoolAid with sugar or NutraSweet?

Would you serve your children Kool-Aid with sugar or NutraSweet? My children never drank Kool-Aid as I didn't 't buy it. I also didn't buy my children sweetened carbonated beverages (soda or pop). Since children usually don't have their own money or drive a car, I was their food gatekeeper. Rather than dealing with children begging...

I have concern about the question on honey.

I enjoyed your page and I particularly found the Ask the Dietitian section informative. However, I have a concern about the question on honey. You might want to consider adding a bit about not giving honey to infants (on pacifiers, bottle nipples etc.) as honey is rarely if ever, sterilized and Clostridium Botulism spores...

I am an adult female with ADHD. What are these foods that aggravate symptoms?

I am an adult female who was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I seem to recall some research that indicated that certain foods could aggravate the symptoms of ADHD. Has this been substantiated recently? What are these foods? Sugar? Yeast? Food Dyes? I am very curious. Please help. Hyperactivity or hyperkinesis is a diagnosable syndrome recognized...

Please clarify the percent fat content on food nutriiton labels.

1) My wife and I have recently switched from 1% to skim milk. What is the recommended type of milk for our two children, ages 8 and 9? 2) Please clarify the % fat content on food nutrition labels. I understand that a general guideline for gauging fat intake is no more than 30% of...

The only vegetables my kids will eat are corn and beans. How can I get them to try something else?

The only vegetables my kids will eat are corn and beans. I like most others, but I'm the only one in the family that will eat other vegetables. How can I get them to try something else? Your family's vegetable preferences are most commonly compared to other Americans. Corn and beans are probably the most...

When watching what you eat to get quickest weight loss results, should you be concerned with calories as fat?

When watching what you eat to get quickest weight loss results and exercising regularly, should you be as concerned with calories as with fat content? For successful weight loss, how many grams of fat/day are necessary for a girl age 16? Thank you. Well check it out for yourself, but you will have to pretend you...

My pediatrician told me to use Isomil on our 4-month-old boy. He is on the Prosobee

My pediatrician told me to use Isomil on our 4-month-old boy. He is on the Prosobee Mead Johnson product now. My question is how different are these two products? My kid has a problem with gas in the middle of the night, which wakes him up screaming from a deep sleep. What suggestions could you...

Many parents of ADD / ADHD children will testify to the benefits of the Feingold program.

Many parents of ADD/ADHD children will testify to the benefits of this program. I encourage you to visit the Feingold Association website to find out more. If you re-read the question in this topic, you will see that the person asking the question misspelled Dr. Feingold's name. In my answer, the spelling is correct. I am...