What concerns me is the sudden slow down of growth of my son in the last 2 years.

My question is regarding my son. I am concerned about his rate of growth. How much weight and height should a child gain during the 2nd and 3rd years of life. My son is 34 months and is 35.5 inches and 28 pounds. At birth he was 8 pounds 6 ounces and 20.5 inches;...

I am 12 years old and measure 5 feet 2 inches. I weigh 108 pounds. Is that about right?

I am 12 years old and measure 5 feet 2 inches. I weigh 108 pounds. Is that about right? You are of average height, weight, and BMI for age (75th percentile). What that means is you are taller than 75% of girls your age. A healthy weight range for you is of 89 - 119...

Would you serve your children KoolAid with sugar or NutraSweet?

Would you serve your children Kool-Aid with sugar or NutraSweet? My children never drank Kool-Aid as I didn't 't buy it. I also didn't buy my children sweetened carbonated beverages (soda or pop). Since children usually don't have their own money or drive a car, I was their food gatekeeper. Rather than dealing with children begging...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with children?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with children? The Pediatric Nutrition dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in working with infants, children, and adolescents. You can find a dietitian at the Find a Registered Dietitian on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state...

My 5 year old daughter is 4 feet tall and weighs 59 pounds. I would like to help her slim down.

I was very happy to find your website as I cannot seem to get answers anywhere about my 5-year-old daughter. She is exactly four feet tall and weighs 59 pounds. She carries most of this weight around her middle and her stomach sticks out quite a bit. She has become very aware of her...

My sister gives in to her 4-year-old daughter at meal time.

My sister gives in to her four-year-old daughter at meal time. She makes a nice meal, but her daughter won't eat the regular meal like the rest of the family. My sister makes something else like a hot dog or grilled cheese sandwich for her. Isn't it time her daughter start eating like the...

I took my son to the doctor with a constant stomachache and he concluded that he had cranky bowels.

I have an 11-year-old son who has a constant stomach ache. It doesn't seem to bother him except at bedtime. He goes through the day fine, but at bedtime - or close to it - his stomach hurts. I have taken him to the doctor several months ago with this problem, and he concluded...

My twin girls are always sick. Are there foods to boost their immune systems?

I have twin girls who are 5 years old. Since they have started school it seems as if they are always kind of sick. In any given week they could each have a gross cough, runny nose, upset stomachs, and headaches. They eat fairly healthy for kids (they prefer fruits and veggies over candy...

How old do you have to be to be able to go on a diet?

I would like to ask you: how old do you have to be to be able to go on a diet? Depends on the child and the type of diet. If you mean weight loss diet without any other restrictions, then maybe 18. But if a kid is 100 pounds overweight or double their healthy...

I have a 9 year old son that to me seems overweight.

I have a 9-year-old son that, to me, seems overweight. His father and I are both overweight. I have had my ups and downs in weight since a child. Currently, I am following your Healthy Body Calculator® guidelines for intake recommendations. My son is 4 1/2 feet tall and 120 pounds. His doctor did not...