Can stress cause a person to gain weight?

Can stress cause a person to gain weight? I have maintained a 50-pound weight loss for 20 years, but it's a continual battle. I have hypoglycemia--am a vegetarian (for 26 years) and exercise regularly. I am 43 years old, recently changed job to one that is very stressful. I eat about 750 to 1000...

Recently we’ve considered buying a cow for milk. Isn’t the milk straight from the cow safe?

Our family is trying to get down to eating only natural foods. We've even bought live chickens, pigs and a steer. Recently, we've considered buying a cow for milk. Isn't the milk straight from the cow safe? Milk straight from the cow is called raw milk, which is a carrier of several serious diseases....

How can I tell a good nutritionist from a bad one?

How can I tell a good nutritionist from a bad one? March is National Nutrition Month and I thought you would like some help with recognizing nutrition quackery. Companies with ineffective or hazardous diets and supplements shouldn't separate you from your health or money. There are a lot of new diets and supplements and it...

Food labels list the amount of carbohydrates. If the food is cut in half, is the carbohydrate cut in half?

On the new food labels, it lists the number of carbohydrates per food serving. If the food serving is cut in half, does that mean the amount of carbohydrate will be cut in half as well? The amount of carbohydrates listed on the Nutrition Facts food label on food packages is the number of carbohydrates...

Are cereals with 100% of the RDA better than cereals with only 25% of the RDA?

Some cold cereals have 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance of nutrients. Are they better than cereals with only 25% of the RDA? Cold cereals that have 100% of the Daily Value usually contain two vitamins and two minerals. Vitamins A and C, calcium and iron are the nutrients listed in the nutrition information on...

What is a junk food?

We are students in Mexico and we have to make a project about how the junk food. We are thinking about junk food like a nutritional supplement affects the health and the knowledge of the older child and teens (between 12 to 15 years old). When we were looking for information we saw your...

How bad are avocados?

I want to ask you about avocados. How bad are they? Aren't vegetables in general good for you? Avocados are a great food and one of my favorites! One-half an avocado contains about 15 grams of fat (10 grams monounsaturated, 1.8 poly and 2.2 saturated fat). This size serving contains more than 10% vitamin A,...

I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water plus a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty.

I am constantly thirsty. I drink about 2 1/2 liters of water, a couple cans of Pepsi per day and I am still thirsty. Water gets to be very boring and I know soda is really bad for me. What cold drinks are out there that do not contain sugar? I can't have citrus juices...

How would I determine the fat content of cheese with 7% milk fat?

I wondered if you could answer a question that I have in regards to skim milk cheddar cheese. I recently purchased a block of skim milk cheese rated at 7% milk fat. How would I determine the fat content of a serving of this cheese, as it had no nutritional label? Thanks for any...

I would like information about cellulite and how to reduce the appearance of it.

I would like information regarding cellulite and how to reduce the appearance of it. It has been difficult for me to obtain an honest non-biased option on the subject of cellulite. There are a million and one sites stating products that remove, reduce, get rid of cellulite. However, I recently visited a doctor who...