What are the nutritional benefits of brown versus white rice?

What are the nutritional benefits of brown versus white rice? Brown rice has the bran coating so it will be at least 10% higher in fiber, magnesium, and selenium. It is significantly higher in manganese.  White rice, as well as grain products that have been processed, are fortified with folacin to reduce neural tube birth...

I am working on a Valentine’s Day article on eating heart. I am curious about how healthy or unhealthy this is.

I am working on Valentine's Day feature article on eating hearts (animal hearts, of course). I am curious about how healthy or unhealthy this is. I would be very grateful if you could supply me with any knowledge that you have on the subject. How should it be prepared? What animals' hearts are edible? What...

What are some hints for helping your family stay on a diet?

My wife has tried to lose weight ever since the birth of our first child. What are some hints for helping someone in your family stay on a diet? I've tried paying her money for each pound lost or buying her new skinny clothes. Neither worked. If someone in your house is trying to lose...

I cut little pieces off bars and sweets. What can I do to stop?

I cut little pieces off bars and sweets. I feel like I'm not really eating as much, but I know I end up eating a lot. It bugs my mom. What can I do? You realize that you do have a problem and that is a good start. I would suggest you learn some behavior...