My son was recently the victim of a violent crime with facial injuries making it difficult to eat.

My son was recently the victim of a violent crime. He has facial injuries that make it difficult for him to eat. He's getting sick of Ensure, Ovaltine, pudding, mashed potatoes, and creamed soups. He was already underweight (20 years old, 6 feet 130 pounds) and now with not eating enough, he's losing more...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who don’t tolerate milk so that I can get enough calcium?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who don't tolerate milk so that I get enough calcium? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics work with people who have a lactose intolerance or an allergy to the protein in milk to make sure...

An in-law has diverticulitis. My wife was interested in finding recipes and learning how to cook meals.

An in-law has diverticulitis. My wife was interested in finding recipes and learning how to prepare meals. Do you have any recommendations or know of how to best prepare meals? Since I'm only the middle man, what foods/spices should be excluded from the diet? Diverticulitis is grouped with inflammatory bowel diseases. Pockets develop in the...

My wife is having problems with irritable bowel syndrome. Can you recommend a diet, herbs or something to help?

My wife is having problems with irritable bowel syndrome and has been tested for everything and nothing is helping. Could you recommend a diet, herbs or something to help? First, I would suggest she continue to see a doctor so that the cause may be found and treated. As to a diet, until active symptoms subside...

What is bran?

What is bran? You hear so much about fiber and bran lately. My grandmother used to tell us to eat roughage. Why? Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? Bran is the brown, outer covering of cereal grains such as wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn, and rice. The body does not digest...

I was diagnosed with oral allergy syndrome and I have had difficulty finding a balanced diet to eat.

I was diagnosed with oral allergy syndrome (OAS) recently and I have been having difficulties finding a balanced diet to eat. Hoping to find suggestions, I looked on the Allergy Q&A. However, I found your advice, particularly to one with my disease. One of the questions pertained to an allergy to cantaloupe, watermelon, and...

I am trying to locate information on multiple chemical sensitivity.

I am trying to locate information on multiple chemical sensitivity. How can I find out if there are any doctors in the Portland, Oregon area who know anything about it? Thank you. Multiple chemical sensitivity is a reaction to pollutants and other chemicals like pollen, not usually foods. Allergic reactions don't seem to affect other...

Is Psyllium Seed (in Metamucil) made of seaweed?

Is Psyllium Seed (in Metamucil) made of seaweed? If yes can it contain large amounts of iodine that may aggravate hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormones)? Psyllium seeds are soluble and insoluble sources of fiber from a plant (plantago ovata), not seaweed and to the best of my knowledge do not contain iodine. I could not find...

I have a GI disorder known as Crohn’s disease. What do you recommend to drink on a liquid diet?

I have a GI disorder known as Crohn's disease. I am currently having a flare up and am on a liquid diet. What do you recommend to drink? I can handle soup, Ensure tastes terrible. Also, any tips on how to eat to prevent a flare up? During acute symptoms, you should avoid raw vegetables...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have stomach or intestinal problems?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who have stomach or intestinal problems? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs dietetic practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provide medical nutrition therapy based on your diagnosis. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services in addition to services provided...