Why do they have sugar in pop?

Why do they have sugar in pop? Well, imagine plain water with food coloring and artificial flavor? You could make that at home even with carbonation. Sugar tastes sweet and adds flavor. But, there are 9 teaspoons of sugar in 12 ounces of pop (soda). Plain water or fruit juice (even diluted with twice as much...

Does aspartame cause headaches?

Does aspartame cause headaches? I think I get migraines from aspartame. I was on vacation in Jamaica over Spring break and I didn't have any migraine headaches. The only thing different that I noticed was the pop had saccharin in it instead. I do drink several cans of diet pop a day. Try eliminating all...

Is sugar in the US Dietary Guidelines for added sugars or just sucrose?

You have been so kind to take the time to answer my questions. Thank you so very much. Please permit me a couple of follow-up questions. The US Dietary Guidelines recommend moderate intake of sugar which includes sugar you add to food at the table as well as sugar added by food manufacturers. Am I...

How does sugar affect your body?

How does sugar affect your body? Sugar adds calories which if you eat more than you need, you will gain weight. Weight gain increases your risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or even some types of cancer. If your body doesn't make enough insulin like a person with diabetes, then the sugar...

I’ve started using honey instead of sugar since it is a more natural sweetener.

I've started using honey instead of sugar since it is a more natural sweetener. I've been trying to cut down on sugar. I'm not fat or a diabetic. I just think it would be more healthy. Well, you are still using sugar if you have switched to honey. Honey contains 40% sucrose (table sugar) and...

How much sugar is in a sucker?

How much sugar is in a sucker? The size of suckers vary, but in a clear, hard candy sucker, there should be about 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar (4 to 8 grams). Are your brushing your teeth after eating a sucker? Sweet sticky sugars like suckers or candy adhere to tooth enamel. The bacteria in...

Would you serve your children KoolAid with sugar or NutraSweet?

Would you serve your children Kool-Aid with sugar or NutraSweet? My children never drank Kool-Aid as I didn't 't buy it. I also didn't buy my children sweetened carbonated beverages (soda or pop). Since children usually don't have their own money or drive a car, I was their food gatekeeper. Rather than dealing with children begging...

How many grams of sugar I should stay below each day?

I need help. I have been trying to eat healthier, but it doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot. Could you tell me about how many grams of sugar I should stay below each day? Some of the foods I eat say non-fat but have 30 grams of sugar in them and I...

I started to take MetRx which contains aspartame.

For the past two weeks, I have started to take MetRx. A couple of my friends have brought up the fact that it contains aspartame which supposedly kills brain cells and has not been approved by the FDA. I take this mix twice a day and the difference I have noticed is that I...

Since food labels show how many grams of sugar in a serving, how can I know what a good goal should be?

Hi. I'm trying to cut down on the number of sugars I eat. Since food labels typically show how many grams of sugar are in a serving, how can I know what a good "goal" should be? I'd like to record how many grams I eat now and then compare it to how many grams...