I’m taking a diet product called Omni Trim which is supposed to curb your appetite and speed up your metabolism.

I recently started taking a diet product called Omni Trim. Have you heard of it? Is it supposed to curb your appetite and speed up your metabolism? Thank you. Since I don't know which one of the many Omnitrim products you are using, I'll tell you about a few of them. According to the Omnitrim...

I wanted to know your opinion of the protein power diet that is gaining popularity.

I wanted to know your opinion of the protein power diet that is gaining popularity. As you probably know, it's promoted by two MD's (Drs. Eades). They have two levels: one is about 30 grams of carbohydrate a day; the other is a little less restrictive, about 55 grams per day (which is the...

I’ve read some convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they work and can I eat all the starch I want?

I've read some pretty convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they really work and can I really eat all the starch I want? No. I had thought we had heard the last of the starch blocker issue when the FDA banned them. Starch blockers do not prevent you from absorbing starch and do not live...

What exercise is the most effective to flatten the stomach?

What is the most effective exercise to flatten the stomach? Sit-ups, leg lifts, and side bends are some exercises that strengthen stomach muscles. However, spot exercising may not produce the results you desire. If you belong to a health club, ask to talk to an exercise physiologist or certified trainer. The best plan is to...

I’m wondering where I might be able to find dietary information about sushi?

Hello, I'm wondering where I might be able to find dietary information about sushi, i.e., fat content, dietary fiber content and nutritional information about sushi in general. Do you know where I might find that type of information? Sushi is going to vary greatly from restaurant to restaurant depending on the fish, seaweed, rice, and...

I have a roommate that gets sick a lot and our bathroom smells of throw-up.

I have a roommate that gets sick a lot. The bathroom smells of throw-up. How can she be sick that often? Persons with bulimia commonly use the phrase "I got sick" to describe vomiting after a binge episode. Vomiting for the person with bulimia is a means of ridding themselves of the guilt they feel...

What can I do to help someone I know who is really thin and she probably has anorexia?

I know someone who is really thin and she probably has anorexia. What can I do to help? If the person is under age 18, a parent can bring the teen in for treatment. However, if the person is over age 18, you should encourage them to seek help. Tell them they look unhealthy or...

My wife broke her hip and ever since she has been underweight.

My wife fell and broke her hip 2 years ago. Ever since then she has been underweight. She only weighs around 94 pounds. When I try to sneak in larger portions, she notices it and leaves some. I can't get her to eat more. Do you have any suggestions? She can't walk very far...

I’ve started using honey instead of sugar since it is a more natural sweetener.

I've started using honey instead of sugar since it is a more natural sweetener. I've been trying to cut down on sugar. I'm not fat or a diabetic. I just think it would be more healthy. Well, you are still using sugar if you have switched to honey. Honey contains 40% sucrose (table sugar) and...

Is peanut butter fattening?

Is peanut butter fattening? It seems that whenever I eat it I gain weight. No, peanut butter by itself is not fattening and one of my favorite foods. It does have some peanut oil in it which is a healthy oil and some protein. One tablespoon of peanut butter is comparable to the calorie content...