My husband recently had a valve replacement. Are all lettuces equally high in vitamin K?

My husband recently had a valve replacement. He will be taking Coumadin for the rest of his life. I read your helpful info on vitamin K, but have one more question – are all lettuces equally high in vitamin K? He has been told he can eat some foods as long as it is done on a consistent basis and really loves salad.

The information on vitamin K content in foods is limited to less than 1,000 foods. If he were to eat lettuce, he should stick to iceberg especially the whiter inner leaves (1 cup has 13.3 micrograms vitamin K) or Romaine (1 cup has 57.4 micrograms vitamin K) as they are the lowest in the USDA data.

Would suggest he try salads made of other raw vegetables that are low to moderate sources of vitamin K like white mushrooms, corn, beets, radishes, red, yellow or orange peppers, cooked dried beans (chickpeas, garbanzo, pinto, navy or red kidney), avocado, onions other than scallions or Spring type, cucumbers (peeled), peas, edible pod peas, mung bean sprouts, tomatoes, red cabbage, carrots and potatoes.