What do I look for when trying to count fat grams?

My question is. I have been told to have between 50 and 60 fat grams each day, but when I read nutrition facts on food labels I see total fat and also fat calories. What do I look for when trying to count fat grams? Your response is greatly appreciated.

If you want to count fat grams, look on food labels for the total fat in grams. Ignore the percent and the fat calories.

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to fat. It doesn’t make sense that a 135-pound woman and a 185-pound man need the same number of grams of fat when they both should be aiming for 30% of calories from fat. 50 grams of fat has 450 calories and would fit a 1500 calorie diet. 60 grams of fat has 540 calories and fits an 1800 calorie diet. Depending on your gender, height, and weight, this may be too much or too little fat.

Have you tried my Healthy Body Calculator? It will assess how many fat grams you should eat based on your weight and calorie goals.