My husband had a heart attack on Monday and angioplasty surgery Tuesday morning.
My husband just had a heart attack on Monday and had angioplasty surgery Tuesday morning. I brought him home and cannot find an appropriate diet for him based on the information on his discharge papers.
It says no iceberg lettuce and no broccoli and just about everything I thought that you could eat isn't right....
What are the benefits of a healthy diet in prevention of heart disease?
I am 14 years old and for my high school physical education class, I am researching for a 15-minute presentation on health. My topic is the benefits of a healthy diet. I was wondering if you could briefly name some of the benefits. Of particular interest was the prevention of heart disease. I once...
If I eat two peanut butter sandwiches a week, would that affect my cholesterol?
Thank you very much for your kind and informative reply and it was quite fast too. Now encouraged by this, I have a couple of more questions. I have to watch my cholesterol and it goes up if I don't pay attention. My dad died of a heart attack when he was 52 years...
I wonder what type of foods I can consume to lower my bad cholesterol.
I am a 20-year-old male and I am currently wondering what type of foods I can consume to help lower my bad cholesterol because I am constantly seeing commercials about this topic, and would love a legitimate answer!
You would be young to have high cholesterol in your blood unless you have a genetic cause....
I have cut down on as much fat as I can. What can I do to get my cholesterol down?
My question was over 1 1/2 years ago my doctor put me on medication because of my high cholesterol. It was 347. The doctor put me on Mevacor. It brought my cholesterol down to 189 along with going on a low-fat diet. Then the doctor changed my pills to Lescol and each time he...
The only time my HDL has been measured it was 43. Am I doing OK or should I be concerned?
My total cholesterol has been measured a large number of times (as a benefit of being a regular blood donor). It varies from a low of 109 to a high of 150.
The only time my HDL has been measured it was 43. My question is... Am I doing OK or should I be concerned?
I have heard about how dangerous trans fat is, but with no explanation of what it is.
I have been hearing a lot about how dangerous trans fat is, but with no explanation of what it is. Is it the same as hydrogenated fat?
Polyunsaturated oils that are hydrogenated can contain some trans fat, but it depends on the hydrogenation process that was used. Trans fat results when healthy polyunsaturated oil (soybean)...
Where can I find a dietitian who works with patients who have heart disease or high cholesterol in my area?
I am looking for a dietitian who works with patients who have heart disease or high cholesterol. Where can I find one in my area?
If you are looking for a dietitian with expertise in cardiovascular (heart) disease go to Find a Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutritionist (SCAN) and click on your state on the...
Are eggs really bad for you because they’re high in cholesterol?
Are eggs really bad for you because they're high in cholesterol? I wanted to try that egg diet but was afraid of how many eggs it tells you to eat.
Eggs are not bad for you, but egg yolks are high in cholesterol. The latest nutritional analysis by the USDA shows that a large egg...
Which brand of margarine is best?
Which brand of margarine is best?
I cannot recommend a specific brand to you. However, look for a margarine with a liquid oil as the first ingredient on the food label. Oils that are high in polyunsaturated fat are safflower, sunflower, soybean, corn, and cottonseed. Polyunsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol levels. The margarine will...