Brandy has its distinct flavor due to an ester.

Brandy has its distinct flavor due to an ester. Low molecular weight esters are present in fruits, such as pineapples, pears, bananas, apricots, grapes, and oranges. They are also present in cognac, in the form of ethyl nonanoate (ethyl oenanthate). These esters give them their distinctive flavors. The flavor of brandy is imparted by...

Do you have a list of foods that may contain alcohol?

I teach nutrition in Missouri and also teach in our local chemical dependency unit at the local hospital. I am trying to find a list of foods that contain alcohol but have had no luck. Do you have a list of foods that may contain alcohol? I've been compiling my own list, but know I...

How many calories does the average alcoholic beverage have?

I have a question regarding alcohol, calories and weight gain. How many calories does the average alcoholic beverage have? And, is it typical for drinkers (depending on amount) to gain or lose weight? Thanks so much. Alcohol has been found to stimulate the appetite and 1 drink before meals have been prescribed for adults with...

Can a person with diabetes drink alcohol?

We are updating our information on diet and have the following information on our web page. We would very much appreciate your reviewing this information for accuracy. We would also like to add a link from our site to yours. Beverages containing alcohol are converted into fat and are high in calories. People with diabetes...

How can brandy taste so sweet and not have any carbohydrates?

I have a question regarding brandy (liquor). How can brandy taste so sweet and not have any carbohydrates? Also, where do the calories come from, if brandy does not have any protein, carbohydrates or fat? Thanks. Brandy is made from distilled wine or fermented fruit juice and is aged in a barrel. Even though there...

Should I drink Guinness beer because in Britain they say it is good for you (lots of vitamins, minerals)?

My mother is British and she claims that if I am drinking, I should drink Guinness beer because in Britain they say it is good for you (lots of vitamins, minerals). Is this true? I've been looking for the full nutritional breakdown of Guinness beer but can't find one. Can you help? The taste of Guinness...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with alcoholism?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with alcoholism? The Behavioral Health Nutrition dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in working with patients who have an alcohol addiction. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your zip code or city/state, the type of...

When I put alcohol in a recipe, does it all cook off?

When I put alcohol in a recipe, does it all cook off? Should I be concerned with how much alcohol is left? Alcohol added to a recipe may cook off, but it depends on how long you cook it. People with alcoholism should be concerned with how much alcohol is left which will be inconsistent...

Out of all the alcohol drunk, what percent of it is beer?

I think your website is excellent. I would like to know out of all the alcohol drunk, what percent of it is beer? A 2013 Gallup poll found that 60% of Americans drink alcohol occasionally and 36% was beer, 35% wine, 23% distilled liquor. Beer consumption has been dropping since 1992. Men are more likely...

I lost weight on HELP diet and now weight has crept up again.

I had followed the HELP diet on this site several years ago for over a year and it had helped me to successfully lose 75 pounds!!!! I want to do it again, as the weight has been slowly creeping back up over the last few years. I did have one question, however, on some of...